
Semi-Autonomous Personal Intelligent Agents from Large language models

Primary LanguageTypeScript

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Semi-Autonomous Personal Intelligent Agent from Large language models

Sapial is a open framework for building personal agents that can be trained on your own data. It is built on top of Deno, Transforemrs, Langchain, and llama-index.

Why Deno?

Deno is a secure, user-friendly runtime for JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly, built on V8, Rust, and Tokio. It supports TypeScript natively, provides built-in development tools, and accommodates existing npm modules. Distributed as a single executable, Deno doubles as both a runtime and package manager, using browser-compatible protocols for loading modules. It's an ideal environment for modern programming and a great alternative for utility scripts previously written in Bash or Python.


Sapial is broadly divided into three parts:

  1. Python backend services, exposed over local FastAPI bridge
  2. Deno runtime (middleware), for running the agent
  3. Client Interfaces, that connect to the Deno runtime via local HTTP API

Table of contents


  1. Install Deno

    To check if you already have it installed, run

    deno --version

    If Deno is installed, you should see a message like deno 1.x.x where x.x represents a version of deno

    If you get command not found proceed with installation according to your OS

    MacOS and Linux

    Using Shell

    curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh

    or using Homebrew

    brew install deno

    Using Scoop

    scoop install deno

    or using Chocolatey

    choco install deno 
  2. Install Python and Pip

    To check if you already have it installed, run

    python --version

    If Python is installed, you should see a message like python 2.x.x where x.x represents a version of Python

    If you get command not found proceed with installation according to your OS

    MacOS and Linux

    Directly through python website

    or, using Homebrew

    brew install python

    Directly through python website

    or, using Scoop

    scoop install main/python

    or, using Chocolatey

    choco install python --pre 


    In case you didn't have Python installed, make sure to restart your computer before proceeding to the next steps!

    Usually Pip is automatically installed with python

    To check if you already have it installed, run

    pip --version

    If you get command not found proceed with installation according to your OS

    MacOS and Linux

    Using cli

    python -m ensurepip --upgrade

    add OpenAI API keys to .env file

    Using cli

    C:> py -m ensurepip --upgrade
  3. Setup a Python Virtual Environment

    To setup the virtual environment, run this command in the terminal pip install virtualenv

    To use venv in your project, change directory into services by running cd services

    nd then run python -m venv venv

    This will create a vurtual environment inside services folder named venv

    run cd .. in your terminal to get back to the root folder

  4. Install Python Dependencies

    To install, run pip install -r ./services/requirements.txt in your terminal

  5. Setup your local environmental variables

    In the root of directory, create a new file named .env

    Open .env file using editor of your choice and add your OpenAI API key

    Your .env file should look like this

    OPENAI_API_KEY = "your_API_KEY" 


Starting an agent

To start an agent, run the following command in your terminal

deno run --allow-all --unstable ./agents/alice.ts

Starting a client

In a separate terminal, start the CLI client by running

cd /clients/cli
deno run --allow-all httpClient.ts

To check if everything is working properly, type any prompt in the latter terminal

Checking if Sapial has been set up correctly

Starting a web client

Alternatively, you can start a web client to use a web interface To start a web client, run yarn && yarn dev

By default, the server will spin up on port 3000 Proceed to localhost:3000 and send a message to start interacting with AI

Web interface

Contribution guide

We appreciate and highly encourage community contributions!

  1. Fork the repository (repo)

    If you're not sure, here's how to fork the repo.

  2. Clone your fork

    To clone your repo, you can run the command in the terminal of your choice

    git clone git@github.com:[your_github_handle]/sapial.git && cd sapial
  3. Make, commit and push changes

    Create new branch and make changes

    git checkout -b new_branch_name

    Make changes where necessary and save them by running

    git add --all
    git commit -m "Use a message that best describes changes"

    Push the changes to your repo

    git push
  4. Propose changes by opening a PR

    After your changes are committed to your GitHub fork, submit a pull request (PR) to the main branch of the sapial-ai/sapial repo


Kill the fastAPI server on agent crash lsof -i :8000 -> kill -9

Next Steps Implementation

  • add logging
  • start implementing basic agent architectures
  • add formatting to text
  • add a retriever using llama-index
  • tools and plugins

Final Sharing

  • share notes and repo with Andrew

Next Steps Planning

  • define personas
  • define personal alignment stratgies


  • Refactor http server to be a class
  • Add authentication for agents and clients using LibP2P