
Execute the application startup code in a nice and organized manner

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Start It Up!

I've coded this little utility with a specific purpose: to help me keep and execute the application startup code in a nice and organized manner. Instead of shoving up all the init code in Application_Start, Startup etc, I can use specific classes for specific initialization.

In this way, I can concentrate only on the details I need to care of and I don't have to scroll 3 pages to find where to insert another startup code.

Version: 2.0.0


Apache 2.0


Install from Nuget

Install-Package StartItUp

Create a settings object

public class AppSettings:StartupContext
    public AppSettings()
    public bool IsDebug {get;set;}
    public string DbConnection {get;set;}

It's not required to inherit from StartupContext but it's recommended, because it acts as a value bag that can be used to pass values between startup tasks.

Create startup tasks

The naming convention is "ConfigTask_[order]_[TaskName]" e.g ConfigTask_1_ORM . One exception is the log configuration class which should be ConfigureLogging and which is always executed first (if it exists, ofc). Each of these classes should have a public method called Run that can have 1 or 0 parameters. The only parameter that can be passed is the configuration object e.g AppSettings.

 public class ConfigureLogging
        public void Run(AppSettings cfg)
            var tpl = "{Timestamp:G} |{Level}|{Message}{NewLine:l}{Exception:l}";

            var logConfig = new LoggerConfiguration();
            if (cfg.IsDebug)

                .WriteTo.Trace(outputTemplate: tpl,restrictedToMinimumLevel:LogEventLevel.Debug)
                .WriteTo.RollingFile(cfg.LogDirectory + "log-{Date}.log", outputTemplate: tpl, restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Warning);
            LogManager.SetWriter(new SerilogAdapter(logConfig.CreateLogger()));
    //makes use of StartItUp.Autofac
    public class ConfigTask_0_RegisterServices

        public void Run(AppSettings cfg)
            cfg.ConfigureContainer(cb =>
                cb.RegisterServices(asm: cfg.AppAssemblies, cfgServices: svc => svc.Add("Services"));
    //let's configure Nancy
    public class ConfigTask_3_WebFramework
        public void Run(AppSettings cfg)
            var owin = cfg.Owin;
            owin.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions()
                CookieName = "_dfauth",
                SlidingExpiration = true,
                ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(7)
            }, PipelineStage.Authenticate);
            owin.UseNancy(opt => opt.Bootstrapper = new NancyBoot(cfg));

Start it up!

In the entry point method of your app

 //without deps

//if you want to pass some info e.g for a OWIN web app
 public class Startup
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            StartIt.Up(new AppSettings(app));