
It`s web app for cinema

Primary LanguageFreeMarker


About Us

Course project of the students group B8203b.

Team My_Little_Teamy.

This is a simple web application that performs cinema poster.

Our tools and kits

Front-end tools and kits

Use CSS, HTML, JS, JQuery, Bootstrap 4

USE template engine:
Mustache → FreeMarker

Try in adaptivity with rows and flexboxes and other crutch features

Back-end tools and kits

Our IDE is IntelliJ IDEA and our language JAVA version 8 with "Spring Boot" framework. For link MySQL DataBase we are using JPA + Hibernate both of which latest version. Also we have lombok plug-in for less words.

To install LOMBOK

  1. Go to File > Settings > Plugins
  2. Click on Browse repositories...
  3. Search for Lombok Plugin
  4. Click on Install plugin
  5. Restart IntelliJ IDEA

To install JPA

  1. Go to File > Project Structure > Modules
  2. Click "+"
  3. Select JPA
  4. Set "Default JPA Provider" <no provider>
  5. Click apply

To see your database in Idea

  1. Click vertical button Database in the right side
  2. Click "+"
  3. Select your database driver. In our case it's MySQL
  4. Fill in appropriate fields
  5. Click "Apply"
  6. Click "Schemas"
  7. Select your schema