Simple API consumption application using Vanilla JS
To view this repository on your local machine, download and install node
- Fork and clone this repository.
- In your terminal, navigate to the client directory and type 'npm install' to install npm dependencies. If npm is not already installed, type sudo npm install npm -g.
- In your terminal, navigate to the app directory and type node server.js.
- In your browser, navigate to localhost:8000.
This is a time optimized and minimal to NO JavaScript library implementation. Open to suggestion efficiency and best practice critique.
- Fork the repo
- Cut a namespaced feature branch from master
- bug/...
- feat/...
- test/...
- doc/...
- refactor/...
- Make commits to your feature branch. Prefix each commit like so:
- (feat) Added a new feature
- (fix) Fixed inconsistent tests [Fixes #0]
- (refactor) ...
- (cleanup) ...
- (test) ...
- (doc) ...
- When you've finished with your fix or feature, Rebase upstream changes into your branch. submit a [pull request][] directly to master. Include a description of your changes.
- Your pull request will be reviewed by another maintainer. The point of code reviews is to help keep the codebase clean and of high quality and, equally as important, to help you grow as a programmer. If your code reviewer requests you make a change you don't understand, ask them why.
- Fix any issues raised by your code reviwer, and push your fixes as a single new commit.
- Once the pull request has been reviewed, it will be merged by another member of the team. Do not merge your own commits.