
Experiment code for the `mpib_sp_eeg` experiment

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Python tests codecov DOI

sp_experiment - "Sampling Paradigm Experiment"

The sampling paradigm is an experimental paradigm in which participants are repeatedly asked to sample from one of many options and observe the outcome. After some of such samples, the participant can make a final choice among the choice options and receives the outcome of this final draw as a payoff.

The sampling paradigm has close resemblance to the Pure Exploration setting of the multi-armed bandit task.

For more information, see the section on background literature.

This Python package implements the sampling paradigm

  • A version without optional stopping
  • A version with optional stopping
  • A version where outcomes are not sampled, but shown in "description format"
    • This is not a "sampling paradigm", because there is no sampling between the options.

After these three tasks, participants in the study also performed the Berlin Numeracy Task.

Further information

This experiment code was used in the mpib_sp_eeg project.


The paper is available (open access) in Cerebral Cortex.


A preprint is available on BioRxiv.

Experiment code

The experiment code in this repository is also archived on Zenodo. available on GitHub, and is archived on Zenodo.


The data is available on GIN (see "Download the data" below).

Analysis code

The analysis code for the data is available on GitHub and Zenodo.


This package is intended and tested to run on Microsoft Windows 10.

  1. It is recommended to use the Anaconda distribution, see the installation instructions
  2. Then run conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. Finally, activate the environment and call pip install -e . from the project root.


You can start the experiment by calling python sp_experiment/sp.py.

First, there will be a general navigation to:

  1. run the experiment automatically (the full experiment)
  2. run the experiment (if only parts should be run)
  3. do some test trials
  4. calculate bonus money given a participant ID
  5. just show some instructions

For the general flow, select run_experiment. This will open a GUI that asks for the following information:

  • ID: A dropdown menu of integers to select as the unique identifier of a participant
  • Age: A dropdown menu of the participant's potential age
  • Sex: Dropdown menu to indicate the biological sex of the participant
  • Condition: Dropdown menu: "Active" or "Passive"

The experiment is setup as such that the inputs in the GUI are restricted. More general settings can be changed in the define_settings.py file. Most importantly, the yoke_map: This is a dictionary that determines which replay of an active condition a participant sees when they are in the passive condition.


yoke_map = {1:1, 2:1}

Here, the first participant will see a replay of their own active condition when they perform the passive condition. The second participant will see a replay of the first participant's active condition. Note that for this to work, participant 1 HAS to perform the active condition first and the respective data needs to be present in sp_experiment/experiment_data as saved by the logger.


There is also a Makefile to simplify several tasks. To make use of it under Windows, install GNU Make.


The script works with a Tobii 4C eyetracker (on Microsoft Windows only). You will need the proprietary software "TobiiProEyeTrackerManager" to be downloaded from the TobiiPro website: https://www.tobiipro.com/learn-and-support/downloads-pro/. To get all necessary drivers, you also need to download the "Tobii Eyetracking" software from the getting started pages: https://gaming.tobii.com/getstarted/

Furthermore, you will need the actual hardware and a "Pro license", which allows users to access the data on the device. This license needs to be purchased separately and then loaded onto the specific eyetracker. See this form by Tobii for more information.

Finally, the interface to Python is done through the Tobii python API: https://pypi.org/project/tobii-research/

EEG Triggers

Event markers (also called TTL Triggers) can be sent using the pyserial library. In our setup we use the Brain Products Trigger Box as a device to send serial data via a USB port, which gets transformed into a parallel TTL signal to be picked up by the EEG amplifier.

See define_settings.py and define_ttl_triggers.py for more information

GIT notes:

You may want to git ignore the data files that are produced by running the experiment. For that, simply add the following text on a new line to the .git/info/exclude file in your clone/fork of the repository:


This will gitignore the folder locally on your machine.

Details about the file structure

  • The /instructions directory contains text files of the instructions that participants saw
  • The /berlin_numeracy_task directory contains the BNT that was administered in printed form to the participants of the study after completing the computerized experiment
  • The sp_experiment directory is the python module
    • software tests for the paradigm are in /tests
    • /image_data contains images for the instructions on screen
    • all .py files with a define_ prefix control some aspect ot the experimental flow and are imported in the main file sp.py
      • the define_settings.py contains several important constants
    • descriptions.py controls the experimental flow for the "description" version of the task
    • utils.py contains helper functions

Background Literature:

  1. Meta analysis on the sampling paradigm:

    Wulff, D. U., Mergenthaler-Canseco, M., & Hertwig, R. (2018). A meta-analytic review of two modes of learning and the description-experiencegap. Psychological Bulletin, 144(2), 140-176. doi: 10.1037/bul0000115

  2. Original citation of sampling paradigm in behavioral science:

    Hertwig, R., Barron, G., Weber, E. U., & Erev, I. (2004). Decisions from experience and the effect of rare events in risky choice. Psychological science, 15(8), 534-539. doi: 10.1111%2Fj.0956-7976.2004.00715.x

  3. Corresponding ideas in the literature on Mutli-Armed-Bandits

    Audibert, J. Y., & Bubeck, S. (2010, June). Best arm identification in multi-armed bandits.

    Bubeck, S., Munos, R., & Stoltz, G. (2009, October). Pure exploration in multi-armed bandits problems. In International conference on Algorithmic learning theory (pp. 23-37). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.