
Python script to fuzz for SQL injection vulnerabilities in URL and input parameters

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SQLi Fuzzer

SummaryRequirementsInstallationUsageTo DoLicense


SQLi Fuzzer is a tool made for personal use. This tool fuzzes for URL or input parameters vulnerable to SQL Injections. The file url_fuzz.txt currently contains basic ORDER BY SQL queries passed in URL parameter. The default wordlist includes SQL queries in plaintext, url encoding and hex encoding.

Warning: The tool is currently under development. I cannot gurantee successful utilisation.


  • Python 3.xx


There are two ways to install sqlifuzzer:

Install the tool directly with pip

pip install sqlifuzzer

Or, you can build from source. Download the latest release.


Use the --help switch to read the OPTIONS available.

$ sqlifuzzer --help
Usage: sqlifuzzer.py [OPTIONS]

  -u, --url TEXT        The URL to fuzz
  -v, --verify BOOLEAN  SSL certificate verification. Default True
  -w, --wordlist TEXT   /path/to/wordlist.txt
  --help                Show this message and exit.


$ sqlifuzzer -u https://redtiger.labs.overthewire.org/level1.php -v False -w url_fuzz.txt


A generic wordlist named url_fuzz.txt is available in the source code. You can use this wordlist or create your own!

Upcoming features:

  • Input parameters fuzzing
  • HTTP Verbs (GET, POST, PUT) fuzzing
  • Diverse wordlist


All contributions are welcome. Just fork this repository, make your changes and open a pull request!


Distributed under MIT License.