This is Stock Analysis project in Excel, Matlab, Python, and R language with different types of analysis such as data analysis, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, quantitative analysis, and different types of trading strategies. Many different types of technical indicators in Excel, Python, and R language. Using timeseries, forecasting, machine learning, and deep learning for this research project in different type of programming languages.
Python 3.5+
R 3.0.0 +
Matlab R2016a
Excel 2016
Trend-following Strategies
Algorithmic Trading Strategies
Statistical Arbitrage
Arbitrage Opportunities
Mathematical Model-based Strategies
Trading Range (Mean Reversion)
- Tin Hang
🔻 Do not use this code for investing or trading in the stock market. However, if you are interest in the stock market, you should read 📗 books that relate to stock market, investment, or finance. On the other hand, if you into quant, machine learning or deep learning, read books about 📘 machine trading, algorithmic trading, and quantitative trading.