
Image mangling for F#un and profit(?)

Primary LanguageF#


Bit-crush images, potentially after colorspace conversion.

Archive Notice

This project is archived. I am not using F#, nor Windows, and I don't expect to come back to either of them (barring major changes in respecting consent regarding AI.)

There is a slightly newer Go version (CLI only) at /sapphirecat/bitcrush.


Here’s where we were at, last time I updated the README:
GUI screenshot


Have you ever wondered what truecolor RGB332 would look like? Maybe an HSV system with 30 hues, 8 saturations, and 16 values?

This is 50% “a toolkit that would let you do those things” by doing the conversion, then inverting it so you can see the results in a perfectly ordinary PNG output file.

And 50% what else?

Deep research for an epic blog post about functional programming. Thus, the F#.

“Blit”? That’s not the right word.

You should write about it on your blag.


I found out GitHub has a mini-Trello they call Projects, so I put everything there. It seems a lot lighter weight than making an issue for everything.


Not decided yet.