Paper Title: Towards Automated Meta Review Generation via an NLP/ML Pipeline in Different Stages of the Scholarly Peer Review Process


This repo contains training and prediction code for the recommendation scores and confidence scores for the reviews, using which we then predict the decision on a particular manuscript. Finally, we utilize the decision signals for generating the meta-reviews using a transformer-based seq2seq architecture.

Installation Packages

pip install transformers
pip install pytorch
pip install sklearn
pip install numpy

Figure 1. Detailed architecture for recommendation score and confidence score prediction

Figure 1.

Figure 2. Below Digram is the detailed architecture for decision prediction. Here R refers to the predicted recommendation scores and C refer to the predicted confidence scores. Three encoders act as feature extractors that map the input vector(for 3 reviews) to a high-level representation. With this representation, the decoder recursively predicts the sequence one at a time auto-regressively.

Figure 2.


python --model_name_or_path experiment_decsion_at_decoder_feat_ext --do_train True --do_eval False --task summarization --train_file peer_data/feat_decoder/mrg_data_with_feat/train.csv --validation_file peer_data/feat_decoder/mrg_data_with_feat/validation.csv --output_dir experiment_decsion_at_decoder_feat_ext --decision_label decision --feat_index feat_index --overwrite_output_dir --per_device_train_batch_size=16 --per_device_eval_batch_size=16 --predict_with_generate --summary_column metareview --do_predict False --save_steps 3606 --num_train_epochs 100


python --model_name_or_path experiment_decsion_at_decoder_feat_ext/ --do_train False --do_eval False --task summarization --train_file peer_data/feat_decoder/mrg_data_with_feat/test.csv --validation_file peer_data/feat_decoder/mrg_data_with_feat/validation.csv --output_dir experiment_decsion_at_decoder_feat_ext/checkpoint-674322 --decision_label decision --feat_index feat_index --overwrite_output_dir --per_device_train_batch_size=16 --per_device_eval_batch_size=1 --predict_with_generate --summary_column metareview --do_predict True


Table 1. Table 1. Are results with respect to F1 score for the both the labels and overall accuracy for decision prediction, where S → sentiment and H → uncertainty score.

Table 2. Table 2. Are the scores for automatic evaluation metrics for seq-to-seq. The output is the average of all the scores in the test set. R and P refers to recall and precision.

Next Update/Work:

Adding the Dataset for all four differnet Tasks.

As our immediate next step, we would like to deeply investigate fine-tuning of the specific sub-tasks, use the final-layer representations of the sub-tasks instead of the predictions, and perform a sensitivity analysis of each sub-task on the main task. Additionally, we would like to incorporate more finegrained decisions such as strong/weak accept/reject or minor/major revisions instead of binary decisions.