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A simple project that allows you to display details about a computer's operating system or web browser with a user-agent.

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JavaScript Edition



This project based on kyleabaker's "wp-useragent".

Supported Browsers/Platforms

Click here to see full list.

Tested Browsers: Amazon Silk / Android Webkit / Avant Browser / Comodo Dragon / curl / Firefox / Google Chrome / Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge / Links / Lynx / Maxthon / MxNitro / Opera / QQBrowser / Safari SRWare Iron / Teleca Q7 / UC Browser / Vivaldi / W3M / wget / Yandex.Browser and so on..

OS: Android / Arch Linux / CentOS / Chrome OS / Debain / Fedora / FreeBSD / OSX / Red Hat / openSUSE / SymbianOS / Unix / Palm webOS / Windows 3.1 - 10 / Ubuntu / Linux and so on..

Devices: Xiaomi / BlackBerry / Nexus / HTC / Huawei / Kindle / Lenovo / LG / Motorola / Nokia / OnePlus / PlayStation / Samsung / Sony Xperia / ZTE / Ubuntu / Windows Phone / Apple Family and so on.


 * Test Useragent
 * @package php-useragent
 * @author zsx <>
 * @license GNU/GPL
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
include './useragent.class.php';
$useragent = UserAgentFactory::analyze($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<h1>Test UserAgent</h1>
	<p>UserAgent: <?php echo $useragent->useragent;?></p>
	<p>Platform: <img src="<?php echo $useragent->platform['image']?>"/><?php echo $useragent->platform['title']?></p>
	<p>Web Browser: <img src="<?php echo $useragent->browser['image']?>"/><?php echo $useragent->browser['title']?></p>
	<p>OS: <img src="<?php echo $useragent->os['image']?>"/><?php echo $useragent->os['title']?></p>

