Studies focused on building a news API on Node.js, taking Mongo storage with queries using GraphQL. Below is a list of chores:
- Start project
- Integrate project with Mongo using Mongoose
- Protect special variables using DotEnv
- Construct route for Article
- Create CRUD for Article
- Create Schemas of Mongo
- Integrate CRUD of Aritcles with Mongo
- Integrate projects with GraphQL
- Build Schema and Query for Article in GraphQL
- Integrate CRUD of Article with GraphQL
- Include support to TypeScript
- Turn all .js files into .ts files
- Include tests
More topics may arise during the course of the project.
How (and why) you should use Typescript with Node and Express.
Node.js e TypeScript: O como e com testes
GraphQL TypeScript
A CRUD app with Apollo, GraphQL, NodeJs, Express, MongoDB, Angular (v5)
RESTful API Design Tips from Experience