

The ML-Pipeline for Mortgage Risk Assessment is a web-based application designed to provide users with a straightforward interface for assessing mortgage-related risks. The project incorporates both classification and regression models to address specific aspects of risk: the "Ever Delinquent" classification model and the "Prepayment Risk" regression model.


The primary goal of this project is to offer users a user-friendly platform for mortgage risk assessment. Users can interact with a simple HTML page where they input relevant information, such as mortgage details and borrower information. The two main functionalities include:

  1. Ever Delinquent Classification Model:

    • Users can input mortgage-specific information.
    • Clicking the "Classification Model" button triggers the underlying classification model, providing a prediction on whether the mortgage is likely to become delinquent.
  2. Prepayment Risk Regression Model:

    • Similar to the classification model, users input necessary data.
    • Clicking the "Regression Model" button invokes the regression model, offering a prediction on the prepayment risk associated with the mortgage.

How to Use

  1. Input Data:

    • Fill in the required details on the HTML page. This include mortgage amount, interest rate, borrower's credit score, and other relevant information.
  2. Ever Delinquent Classification:

    • Click the "Classification Model" button to receive a prediction on whether the mortgage is likely to become delinquent.
  3. Prepayment Risk Regression:

    • Click the "Regression Model" button to obtain a prediction on the prepayment risk associated with the mortgage.

How to start

run to run the application


User Interface With Iputs






This project is the result of my internship at Technocolabs Software. I had the privilege of working alongside the talented professionals at Technocolabs, where I gained valuable insights and mentorship.


The ML-Pipeline-Using-Prepayment-factors-of-Mortgage-Loans has been built by Sara Salah