
This is a Scientific Calculator implemented in Python. it performs a wide range of mathematical operations and statistical analyses. This calculator, designed with simplicity and functionality in mind, supports basic arithmetic operations, statistical calculations, linear and quadratic equations, matrix operations, and more.

Table of Contents


The goal of this Scientific Calculator repository is to provide a versatile and user-friendly tool for individuals engaged in mathematical computations and statistical analyses

Designed with simplicity in mind, this scientific calculator supports basic arithmetic operations, statistical functions, equation solving, matrix operations, combinatorics, and a variety of mathematical functions. From simple calculations to complex statistical analyses.


Basic Operations

  • Addition (+): Add two or more numbers effortlessly.
  • Subtraction (-): Subtract one value from another with ease.
  • Multiplication (*): Multiply numbers efficiently.
  • Division (/): Divide numbers accurately.

Statistical Functions

  • Mean: Calculate the average of a set of numbers.
  • Median: Find the middle value.
  • Mode: find the most repeated value.
  • Standard Deviation (stdev): Measure the amount of variation or dispersion.
  • Population Standard Deviation (stdevp): Similar to standard deviation but for a population.


  • Linear Equation: Solve equations of the form ax + b = 0.
  • Quadratic Equation: Find the roots of quadratic equations in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0.

Matrix Operations

  • Addition: Add two matrices together.
  • Subtraction: Subtract one matrix from another.
  • Multiplication: Multiply matrices efficiently.
  • Division: Divide matrices.


  • Combination: Calculate the number of ways to choose k elements from a set of n elements.
  • Permutation: Find the number of ways to arrange k elements from a set of n elements.

Mathematical Functions

  • Round: Round a number to the nearest integer.
  • Floor: Round down to the nearest integer.
  • Ceil: Round up to the nearest integer.
  • Variance: Measure the spread of a dataset.
  • Angle Conversion: Convert between gradian, radian, and degree.
  • Trigonometric Functions: Calculate sin, cos, tan, sin inverse, cos inverse, tan inverse.
  • Reminder and Root Square: Find the remainder and square root of a number.
  • Logarithmic Functions: Compute log and ln.
  • Power: Raise a number to a specified power.
  • Absolute Value: Find the absolute value of a number.


  1. Clone Repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to Repository:
    cd Scientific Calculator
  3. Install the requirements dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run Main Script:
  5. Calculator Interface: The calculator interface will open, providing you with a window to perform various mathematical operations.
  6. Perform Operations: Enter the desired mathematical expressions, equations, or statistical functions directly into the calculator window.


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