DotNet Boilerplate
A basic boilerplate with authentication**, services, repositories and models for DotNet Core 5.0
Table of Contents
Folder Structure
├── Controllers # API endpoints handlers
│ ├── < Endpoint >Controller.cs
│ ├── AuthenticationController.cs
│ └── UsersController.cs
├── DTOs # Data Transfer Objects for get data from body
│ ├── < Category >
│ │ └── < UseCase >DTO.cs
│ ├── Authentication
│ │ ├── LoginDTO.cs
│ │ └── SigninDTO.cs
│ └── User
│ ├── CreateUserDTO.cs
│ └── UpdateUserDTO.cs
├── DapperExample.csproj
├── DapperExample.csproj.user
├── LICENSE # Lic
├── Models
│ ├── < Entity >Model.cs
│ └── UserModel.cs
├── Program.cs # Projects start point
├── Properties
│ └── launchSettings.json
├── Services # Entity's business logic's
│ ├── < UseCase >Service.cs
│ ├── AuthenticationService.cs
│ ├── DatabaseService.cs
│ └── UserServices.cs
├── Startup.cs
├── appsettings.Development.json
├── appsettings.json
├── bin # Executables
└── obj # Compiled files
Install this project then run is as you want.
Clone and move into this repository
git clone
cd dotnet-boiler-plate
Run project with dotnet cli or use Visual Studio
dotnet run
Run for Development
DotNet CLI can track file or folders and if project has any changes it will hotreload the project
dotnet watch run
Build to generate executable and DLL's
dotnet publish
If you want to contribute to the project, please first check if the work you are doing is already an issue. If there is an issue and there is someone assigned to the issue, contact that person. If there is no issue, you can send your development to the project managers by opening a pull request. Please read