
Windows 10 IOTCore Walkthrough

Primary LanguageC#

Windows 10 IoTCore Walkthrough


This project's goal is to demonstrate guidelines for creating a Windows 10 IoTCore based product and walk through the creation of an IoT device, from implementation to final deployment.

The project has two applications:

  • One background application to receive sensor data and send it to the Azure cloud. Receiving sensor data and analyzing it are important tasks in IoT and a device will often operate in "headless" mode for monitoring; thus, we separate these tasks in an independent app. It also receives application keys securely and saves user settings to Azure.
  • One foreground application for user interaction. This application shows local weather (read by the background app), information from the internet (news and regional weather) and interacts with the user (playing media or showing a slideshow). A settings page is also available to change settings.

App communication

The applications are written using Universal Windows Platform (UWP); thus, the same foreground app can be run on both IoT and Desktop.


Steps from implementation of apps to deployment are documented with an end-to-end solution. Each tutorial shows small code snippets and then links to the code running in the walkthrough project.


  1. About the project
  2. Background application
  3. Foreground application
  4. Inter-application communication
  5. Connecting to the Azure cloud
  6. Integration with third-party services
  7. Preparing for deployment
  8. Deployment
    • Creating a retail OEM image

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