
Resources for maximizing your empathy superpowers!


If you've been asking yourself lately about how you could help in these trying times, this is a list of (growing) resources where you can give back. As this is public, I am accepting pull requests for suggestions.

Quick note: The majority of this content is pulled from and inspired by a collaboration between three small businesses in the Seattle area (Sugar Pill, Substantial, and Girlie Press). Truly wonderful work! I hope - with the help of a community - to take it to the next level. Website coming soon.

###Love is a way to fight hatred.

###Action is a way to fight despair.

###Take good care of yourself.

###Take extra care of those around you.

#Take Action Now Resistance Manual

Women's March: 10 Actions, 100 Days

Matching Donations


#Look After Yourself Know your rights and responsibilities as an American Muslim

Challenging Islamaphobia pocket guide

#Donate & Learn More

##Speak Up Contact Federal Elected Officials

Equal Rights Washington

Injustice Boycott

Southern Coalition for Social Justice

National Resources Defense Council

##Show Up Black Lives Matter

Campaign Zero

Stand with Standing Rock


##Respect Council on American Islamic Relations

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People


Pride Foundation

##Care Planned Parenthood

Center for Reproductive Rights

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund

Lifelong Aids Alliance

##Protect 350

American Civil Liberties Union

Amnesty International

AntiDefamation League

Border Angels

Children's Alliance

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

Committee to Protect Journalists

Indigenous Environmental Network

National Immigration Law Center

Southern Poverty Law Center

The League of Women Voters

Trans Relief Project

##Ask Center for Dviersity and the Environment

El Centro de la Raza

Legal Voice

LGBTQ Allyship

Refugee Women's Alliance

The Trevor Project

##Help Center for the Working Poor

Taking Action for Flint Water

International Rescue Committee



##Learn Climate Solutions

NARAL Pro-Choice America

National Center for Trans Equality

National Immigration Law Center

Safe Schools Coliation

##Share Fare Start

Food Line

##Listen Indigenous Rising

Shelf Life Stories


The Center for Investigative Reporting

National Public Radio

Public Broadcasting Service