Hangman console game using Node.js


As a hangman player, I want to:

  • start a new game of hangman

  • see how many lives i have

  • see how many letters there are in the word i'm guessing

  • be asked to guess a letter

  • if letter is in word, to be shown where it fits

  • if letter is not in word, to be told so, and to lose a life

  • if i've already guessed that letter, to be told so, not lose a life, and invited to guess again

  • if i enter a non-letter, or more than one letter, to not lose a life and to be asked to try again

  • if i have lives left, to be asked to guess another letter

  • if i have no lives left, the game finishes

  • if i've guessed all the letters in the word, to win the game, and to be told how many lives I used

Before each guess prompt, I want to:

  • to be shown all the letters i've guessed already
  • to be told how mant lives i have left
  • to be shown the word so far