Escape Mind

escape_mind, is a dematerialized escape game played online. During 25 minutes, the player follows the story of Sacha Ramirez, a scientist at the origin of an artificial intelligence named Kiara. Kiara has become dangerous and is about to be unplugged. To say goodbye, Sacha connects to her one last time. He has to be quick and clever so that Sacha can get out before she is unplugged, which will lead to her death at the same time.

Table of contents


We are 5 students of the Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France. In order to realize our end of degree project, we composed a motivated and multidisciplinary team to create a virtual escape game.

Built With



Getting Started


Install dependencies.

$ npm install
$ composer install

If getting 500 server error.

$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan db:seed

Start the server.

$ php artisan serve
$ php -S localhost:8000 -t public

Running migrations & seedings.

$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan migrate --seed

If inserting the data doesn't work.

$ composer dump-autoload 
$ php artisan migrate:fresh
$ php artisan migrate --seed

Create all flags

$ php artisan vendor:publish [0]
$ php artisan view:clear


Automatic compilation of Sass and JS at each registration.

$ npm run watch

Minify CSS & JS files.

$ npm run prod

GitHub memo

Switches to another branch or restores files from the working tree

$ git checkout <commit>

Reset to HEAD after

$ git reset HEAD^ -- force
$ git reset --hard origin/master


Open http://localhost:8000 to view it in the browser.


  • Sarah Mauriaucourt - Developer & webdesigner - sarah-mrcrt
  • Alexandre Lavaud - Developer - Lalecks
  • Camille Kozak - Graphic designer
  • Mondine Odin - Sound designer & videographer
  • Antony Deschodt - Sound designer & videographer


Project status

The development of the application is completed.