
a weather app where users can get weather information in real-time

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Get Weather app

Table of Contents

About the Project

This project is to build a weather app where users can get weather information in real-time.

  • website meet PWA criteria
    • Register a service worker and provide offline access to cached weather searches.
    • Web app have manifest in order for it to be installed on the user’s device.
    • Web app meet the web accessibility guidelines
  • user-friendly interface
  • Responsive on all screens
  • Local Storage in order to make the weather results persist on the page when a user reloads
  • Fetched weather from openweathermap API.
  • Built a autocomplete for places from Algolia Places API.
  • Using an error handling messages to improve the user experience.

Installing Instructions

1- download zip folder or clone project > https://github.com/sarah27h/get-weather.git

git clone https://github.com/sarah27h/get-weather.git <add-your-project-name>

2- Open Github and create new repo.

3- Remane the old repo upstream & change the local repo 'origin' that points to new repo.

git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin http://github.com/YOU/YOUR_NEW_REPO

4- To get changes from upstream git fetch upstream.

5- Install all project dependencies npm install.

6- cd to your project directory.

- For develoment mode `gulp`.

- For production `gulp build --production`.

Service Worker

Note: In sw.js file change files paths in const assets = [] according to the enviroment to avoid getting Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Request failed error

  • for dev css, js files are '/css/mainStyle.css', '/js/all.js'
  • for production css, js files are '/css/mainStyle.min.css',

Hosting on Firebase

1- Create account on firebase.

2- create new project from firebase console.

3- Click on hositing in left menu and follow instructions.

  • Open command prompt and cd to your project.
  • npm install -g firebase-tools
  • firebase login note: If you log in you have to log out to get your new project add to projects list and log in again.

4- initalize new project firebase init

  • yes
  • hositing using (down arrow, space, enter)
  • choose your project.
  • choose production directory in my case dist
  • no

5- firebase deploy

note: if you make changes after deploy and want to update the depolyed project use firebase deploy.


  • Weather data from openweathermap API
  • autocomplete search box for places by Algolia Places API.
  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/
  • Net Ninja youtube channel.
  • wW3schools.com
  • Quicksand font from Google Fonts.
  • generate the icons for manifest file


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.