Build Status


Team Builder is an Elixir app, to randomly organize a list of people into teams.


  1. First you must have Elixir installed

  2. Mac OS * Update your homebrew to latest: brew update * Run: brew install elixir

  3. If it's not in your PATH already, add Elixir (UNIX): * export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/elixir/bin"

  4. Further help can be found at Elixir-Lang

  5. Clone the repo

  • git clone
  1. From the repo directory, run the command:
  • mix
  1. Then from the directory run:
  • ./team_builder


To Run the App:
$ mix
$ ./team_builder
To Add Members:
Welcome to TeamBuilder. Please add your first invitee.
Add Team Member ([q] Quit - [b] Build Teams): <new_member_name>
To Build Teams:
[ Members Added ]
[1] Jane
[2] John
[3] Dexter
[3] Morgan

Add Team Members ([q] Quit - [b] Build Teams): b
Select team allocation style:
  • option - option_size e.g. 1 - 4
[ Team Type Options ]
[1] Fixed Number Of Teams [enter: 1 - max_number_of_teams]
[2] Max Team Size [enter: 2 - max_team_size]
> 1 - 4
[ Team 1 ]
[1] Jane

[ Team 2 ]
[1] John

[ Team 3 ]
[1] Morgan

[ Team 4 ]
[1] Dexter

Add Team Members ([q] Quit - [b] Build Teams):

To Run the Tests:
$mix test
or if you want to run a specific module's tests:
$mix test test/test_builder_app_test.exs
or a specific test:
$mix test test/test_builder_app_test.exs:<line>