
Primary LanguageScheme

8th Light SICP Study Group

This repository will be used to track the progress of Software Crafters taking part in the 10 month SICP study group. In order to participate, you should fork this repository.

Study Group Meetings

The main study group meetings will take place on a monthly basis and will last approximately 2 hours. Depending on time and willingness, we may schedule a shorter mid-month meeting to help with exercise progress.

The format of the larger meetings will be to spend an hour going through and comparing our answers to specific exercises from the previous month. For the second hour watch the next video lecture and discuss it.

In-between study group meetings, participants are expected to do three things:

  1. Watch the second part of the video lecture for the month (Part B)
  2. Do the relevant reading in advance of the next group meeting (I think it's far more useful to do the reading in advance of the video lectures)
  3. Complete the exercises relevant to the chapter you you are working through

Progress Tracking

I'd like people to raise PRs against this repo on a chapter by chapter basis. In order to track people's progress, I have created MarkDown files in each of the folders in this repository. If you copy the text of these files into your PR description text, GitHub will automatically translate this into a progress tracking bar on your PR. That way, each month while looking at open PRs it's easy to see at a glance how much progress people are making.

Resources List


Required to complete most of the exercises.

brew install mit-scheme

Video Tutorials

These are available on YouTube.

And from the main SICP website. The later allows you to download the videos to watch offline.


This is available in HTML format from the SICP website. But a PDF version can be found in this repository.


In each folder the code from the book is presented, please complete the exercises in any manner you wish. I think I'll end up creating a new file per exercise.