
Inferring the degree and type of interaction between flu, RSV, and other respiratory viruses

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Respiratory Virus Interactions


Code to infer the strength and duration of interactions between flu and RSV

Directory Structure

  • src
    • demo
    • format_data
    • functions
    • process_results
    • bootstrap
    • age_structured_SA
    • vaccination_simulation_study


A short demo showing how the model of influenza and RSV cocirculation is fit to data is available as "src/demo/demo_run.R". Synthetic data used for the demo can be found in the same folder as "demo_data.csv". The demo should take about 40 minutes to run, and outputs the fitted parameter values for a limited number of runs, both when the model is fit to data one season at a time, and when the model is fit to all seasons simulataneously.

The demo has been tested on the following operating systems:

  • Windows 10

R, the programming language used for this work, can be downloaded at: https://www.r-project.org/

For this work, I used R version 4.2.3. Code was written and run using the RStudio IDE, version 2024.4.1.748, which can be obtained here.

For the demo, the following R packages must be installed:

  • tidyverse (version 2.0.0)
  • testthat (version 3.2.0)
  • pomp (version 5.4)
  • nloptr (version 2.0.3)

The "pomp" package has additional dependencies, which vary by operating system. Detailed installation instructions can be found here.

Required Packages

In addition to those listed under "Demo" above, the following packages are also used by this repository:

  • gridExtra (version 2.3)
  • ISOweek (version 0.6.2)
  • GSODR (version 3.1.9)
  • rstudioapi (version 0.15.0)
  • NSM3 (version 1.18)
  • parallel (version 4.2.3)
  • doMC (version 1.3.8)
  • viridis (version 0.6.4)
  • rethinking (version 2.40)
  • gt (version 0.10.0)
  • socialmixr (version 0.3.1)
  • rootSolve (version
  • lemon (version 0.4.6)
  • RColorBrewer (version 1.1.3)
  • grid (version 4.2.3)
  • patchwork (version 1.1.3)
  • cowplot (version 1.1.1)
  • GGally (version 2.1.2)
  • purrr (version 1.0.2)

Formatting data (Hong Kong)

  1. Data from Hong Kong should be downloaded and placed in data/raw/hk/ (see "Data Sources" below). Data on influenza positivity for each year should be saved as csv files with names of the form "hk_[YEAR]_flu.csv", while data on positivity of "other respiratory viruses" should be saved as "hk_[YEAR]_rsv.csv". Weekly ILI data for each year should be saved as "hk_[YEAR]_ili.csv". Data on population size should be saved as "pop_dat_hk.csv".
  2. Run "format_HK_data.R" to compile ILI and all virologic data.
  3. Run "split_into_seasons_HK.R" to assign seasons and organize data by virus pair.
  4. Run "get_climate_data.R" to get normalized temperature and absolute humidity data from Hong Kong (and France, for the simulation study of vaccination).

Formatting data (Canada)

  1. Data from Canada should be downloaded and placed in data/raw/canada/ (see "Data Sources" below). Data on influenza and RSV positivity for each season should be saved as csv files with names of the form "detection-[SEASON].csv" (so, for example, "detection-201011.csv" for the 2010-11 season); ILI data should be saved as "consultation-[SEASON].csv". Data on population size should be saved as "pop_dat_Canada.csv".
  2. Run "format_Canada_data.R" to compile ILI and virologic data.

Model Code

  • "resp_interaction_model.c": C code used to run the model, including parameter transformations, observation model, and deterministic skeleton
  • "resp_interaction_model.R": Code to read in location- and season-specific data, create a pomp model, and run various model checks
  • "functions/functions_flu_RSV.R": Functions to create pomp objects used for running and fitting the model
  • "functions/test_code.R": Contains various functions used to check that model code is behaving as expected
  • "functions/setup_global_likelihood.R": Code to read in data from all seasons and load functions for evaluating the global log-likelihood

Fitting the interaction model to data

  1. Run "fit_traj_matching_round1.R" to obtain initial fits for all season-specific parameters. The parameter "sobol_size" should be set to 500, and "search_type" should be set to "broad". For fitting in Hong Kong, "sens" should be set to "main" and "fit_canada" should be set to FALSE. For Canada, set "sens" to "sinusoidal_forcing" and "fit_canada" to TRUE. The ranges of values fit will be used to generate starting values for the next round of estimations.
    • Run "process_results/01_check_missing_files_traj_matching_r1.R" with "fit_canada" set to the appropriate value to check whether estimation failed for any virus, season, or starting parameter set. The code will print a warning for each missing results file.
    • Run "process_results/02_compile_results_traj_matching_r1.R" to format and compile individual results into comprehensive output files. Ensure that both "sens" and "fit_canada" are set appropriately.
  2. Run "fit_traj_matching_round2.R" to fit all parameters, both shared and season-specific, and obtain maximum likelihood estimates. Parameter "search_type" should be set to "round1_CIs", "which_round" to 1, "sobol_size" should be set to 500, "int_eff" to "susc", and "prof_lik" to FALSE. Set "sens" and "fit_canada" depending on the location being fit. The parameter "run_parallel" can either be set to TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether runs for several starting parameter sets should be run in parallel.
    • Run "get_start_ranges_from_round2.R", with line 10 set to be the location of the current results. This will ensure that none of the best-fit parameter values lead to impossible (i.e., negative) values for any of the state variables, and obtain the range of starting parameter values for the next round of fitting.
    • If only one parameter set is statistically supported (has log-likelihood value falling within qchisq(0.95, df = # of parameters estimated) / 2 of the log-likelihood of the MLE) at this point, we assume that the MLE has not yet been reached, and run an additional round of fits.
  3. Rerun "fit_traj_matching_round2.R", this time with "search_type" set to "round2_CIs" and "which_round" set to 2.
    • Again, run "get_start_ranges_from_round2.R".
    • Repeat this step until multiple parameter sets are supported, each time increasing "which_round" by one.
  4. Once multiple parameter sets are supported, perform one final round of model fits by running "fit_traj_matching_round2.R," again with "search_type" set to "round2_CIs".
    • Run "get_start_ranges_from_round2.R". This will calculate the parameter start ranges for parametric bootstrapping, as well as save the maximum likelihood estimates for all parameters.
  5. Run parametric bootstrapping to get 95% confidence intervals for all parameters.
    • First, run "bootstrap_01_generate_synthetic.R" to generate several synthetic datasets at the MLEs. Both "sens" and "fit_canada" should be set appropriately. By default, 500 synthetic data sets are generated for each season.
    • Next, run "bootstrap_02_fit.R" with "sobol_size" set to 10 and "final_round" set to the number of rounds of fitting run in steps 2-4. All other parameters should be set to the same values as in step 2. This will fit the model to each synthetic dataset.
    • Finally, run "bootstrap_03_process_and_CIs.R" to compile results and calculate the 95% confidence intervals. Line 12 should be the location of the results.
  6. Run profile likelihood on $\theta_{\lambda1}$ in order to check that model is converging to the MLE.
    • Run "fit_traj_matching_round2.R" with "sobol_size" set to 100, "search_type" set to "round2_CIs", "final_round" set to the number of rounds of fitting run in steps 2-4, and "prof_lik" set to TRUE.

Code to explore data/model fit

  • "process_results/calculate_obs_and_sim_metrics.R:"
    • Code to calculate several outbreak metrics for influenza and RSV, including attack rates, week of peak activity, and duration of outbreaks, and to compare metrics calculated from the data to those calculated baed on simulations performed at the MLEs.
  • "functions/functions_evaluate_res.R":
    • Contains functions to obtain deterministic or stochastic simulations from the model at the MLE, and to calculate relevant outbreak metrics.
  • "format_data/stat_quantify_similarity.R":
    • Code to calculate the correlation coefficient between time series of the positivity rates of different pathogens.

Age-Structured Sensitivity Analysis

  1. Run "age_structured_SA/m-generate_covariate.R" to generate synthetic, age-structured covariate data (ILI rates and number of tests performed).
  2. Run "age_structured_SA/m-run_model.R" to generate synthetic, age-structured case data at the MLE of the model fits.
  3. To fit the model to the age-structured synthetic data, uncomment line 50 in "fit_traj_matching_round1.R," line 36 in "02_compile_results_traj_matching_r1.R," and line 94 in "fit_traj_matching_round2.R," so that "age_structured" is equal to TRUE. Then, simply follow the same fitting procedure as outlined in numbers 1-4 under "Fitting the interaction model to data" above.

Additional Sensitivity Analyses

Various sensitivity analyses can be conducted by running steps 2-5 above with "sens" set to:

  • "sinusoidal_forcing": Fits a model using a sine wave to capture seasonal changes in the force of infection of influenza and RSV, rather than explicitly including climate data. Rough start ranges for the parameters $b_1$ and $b_2$, describing the extent to which the strength of forcing varies over the year, can be obtained by running "process_results/get_start_ranges_sinusoidal.R", which fits sine waves to the force of infection for both viruses at the MLE from the main analysis in Hong Kong. The resulting values are then used in lines 333-334 in "fit_traj_matching_round2.R".
  • "no_ah": Fits the model exluding an effect of absolute humidity on the force of infection of influenza and RSV, such that both are modulated by temperature only.
  • "no_rsv_immune": Fits a model assuming, as in Waterlow et al. (2022), that the entire model population is susceptible to RSV at the beginning of each season. Before running steps 2-5 above, step 1 should also be repeated, this time with "sens" also set to "no_rsv_immune".
  • "no_int": Fits a model in which no interaction occurs between influenza and RSV.
  • "less_circ_h3": Fits the model only for those seasons with little H3N2 circulation (2017-18 and 2018-19).
  • "rhino_covar": Fits a model allowing rhinovirus incidence to modulate susceptibility to influenza.

Simulation Study of Vaccine Impact

Run "vaccination_simulation_study/run_vaccination_simulation_study.R" to get simulations for all seasons, vaccine coverage levels, and vaccine timings. When "sens" is set to "main", this is the scenario where vaccination confers the same protection against RSV as does natural influenza infection, as fit in Hong Kong. To change this, set "sens_sim" to "vacc_can", "deltavacc1month", "deltavacc6months", "vacceff60", and "vacceff95", in turn. This will run sensitivity analyses with different values for the impact of vaccination on RSV susceptibility, the duration of the effect on RSV susceptibility, and the efficacy of vaccination against influenza. By default, the interaction parameters for natural infection are taken from the MLE fit in Hong Kong; to instead use values as fit in Canada, set "sens_sim" to "fit_can".

Generate publication-ready figures for manuscript

  • Figures 1, 2b-c, 3, and 4 from the manuscript can be generated by running "generate_figures.R", which also calculates the $R^2$ between the data and the model simulations at the MLE.
  • All supplementary figures (except the schematic for the simulation study of LAIV) can be generated by running "generate_figures_SUPP.R."

Data Sources