This website was created as a project for a javascript class that I took at Pasadena City College. It features three javascript elements: a pop-up modal contact form, two intersection observers, and a counter. The counter is meant to act like it's counting a number of items as they are given away. So, it increments upwards, but at an uneven rate.
- Getting Started With GitHub, Part3: creating a Read Me File in Markdown
- How to embed images in GitHub Readme Files
- JavaScript Lesson 10 setTimeout, setInterval & clearInterval
- How to Change the Time Interval of setInterval() Method at RunTime using Javascript?
- Ascending increasing random numbers
- MDN Web Docs - Math.random()
- Fade and Scroll items into view while scrolling
- Introduction to the Intersection Observer
- MDN Web Docs - Introduction to Intersection Observer API
- Intersection Observer API
- W3 Schools How TO CSS/JS Modal
- Create a Modal With HTML, CSS & Javascript
- Cool background photo by Solen Feyissa
- Lorem Ipsum Generators