🍦 Tipsy Scoop Club - a Sequelize/Express Review 🍦

(by Sarah and Maria!)

Start it up

  • $ createdb tipsyscoopclub (first time setup only; assumes you have PostgreSQL and its CLI tool installed)
  • $ npm install
  • $ npm start

Check out those routes!

  • You'll need to use the post route a few times or just add info directly in Postico because there is no seed file.
  • Downloading the Postman tool for testing routes is highly recommended
  • You can use Postman to send all types of requests to your localhost and see the responses

Add-A-Scoop Challenge: try adding your own method and route!

  • Increment the number of total scoops an eater has by creating a method and a route that uses it
  • You can see a solution to this in the scoop-solution branch (Sunday)

Average-Scoops Challenge: find an eaters average scoops per day

  • Make a Sequelize instance method to return the average scoops per day for an eater
  • You can see a solution to this in the avg-scoop-solution branch (Sunday)

Light-Flavors Challenge: find all flavors under a certain calorie

  • Make a method and route to return an array of all flavors below a passed in amount of calories
  • You can see a solution to this in the light-flavors-solution branch (Sunday)

Update-Icecream Challenge: update an ice cream flavor

  • Write a route to update an already existing ice cream entry
  • You can see a solution to this in the update-ice-solution branch (Sunday)

Play around and see what other methods and routes you can come up with!

That's it! Happy Studying!