BLP Token Tracker

This project is a simple Angular frontend application that interacts with a backend ASP.NET Web API to track token data. It provides three main pages: Login, Info, and Update.


Demo link


  • Login Page: Allows users to authenticate. It includes validation to prevent empty input data.
  • Info Page: Displays the current token data fetched from the backend. It formats token amounts from wei and displays them in separate cards for Name, Total Supply, and Circulating Supply.
  • Update Page: Available only to authenticated users. Contains a button to update the token data on the backend.

Technologies Used

  • Angular: Frontend framework
  • Angular Material: UI component library for Angular
  • ASP.NET Web API: Backend API for token data management
  • Entity Framework: Data access layer with Code First approach
  • JWT-based Authentication: Secures endpoints with JWT tokens
  • RxJS: Reactive Extensions for JavaScript for handling asynchronous data streams


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd token-frontend
    npm install
  3. Start the Angular development server:

    ng serve
  4. Open the application in your browser: Navigate to http://localhost:4200/ to access the application.


  • Login Page: Enter any username and password to login. Validation prevents empty input data.
  • Info Page: Displays the current token data fetched from the backend. Token amounts are formatted from wei.
  • Update Page: Available only to authenticated users. Click the "Update Token Data" button to update the token data on the backend.