CSE Data Analysis Toolkit

Python scripts for extracting various stats from support data.


  • Clone this repository to your local machine.
  • Run pip install && npm install to pull down dependencies.



Run an advanced search of Zendesk and export results to CSV for further analysis.


  • Modify bin/zendesk-search.js to include your desired search (@todo link to examples).
  • Run the script: node bin/zendesk-search.js
  • Utilize the CSV exported into csv/advanced-search-results


Displays the chat-to-ticket conversation ratio for each CSE.


  • Grab a CSV export from Intercom. ** Filter this by your desired date range, these scripts don't do that. ** Save this to the csv directory and name it inbox-data.csv (or modify intercom.py to match your data file name).

  • If needed, you can modify the CSE-By-Team data set here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZyaQqUG3kGZLNvWALqLf6Q9NTWdKyrqt729oFNAtwvU/edit?usp=sharing ** Save this as a CSV to csv/cses_by_team.csv. ** If adding a new teammember, make sure their name in the CSV matches their display name in Intercom.


Visualizes the impact of core updates on support volume.


  1. Clone the 3 upstreams (drops-7, drops-8, wordpress) to ~/sites/upstreams.
  2. Run util/upstream-releases.sh to update releases text files.
  3. Run reports/core-updates.py.


Note: These scripts are only tested with Python 3. Mac OS ships with Python 2.7, so you may need an upgrade. Installing Anaconda is an easy way to do this.