To-Do List

  • get everyone updated
  • use ONLY lowercase for sql and sql references
  • finish php code by Thursday, 12/13
  • turn in with styles by 9AM Friday, 12/14


Submission requirements

  1. Description of implementation, problems faced
  2. Users' guide (<3 pages)
  3. A few screenshots of the major screens
  4. INDIVIDUAL submissions of what the different group members did, including yourself
  5. sql commands that create tables
  6. sql commands that populate tables
  7. php source code
  8. ZIP sql + description + user guide +

Site requirements

  1. Main Menu:
  • Customer functions (ask for card number/userID, and then show sub-menu)
  • Administrative Functions (ask for ID and password, and then show submenu)
  • Quit
  1. Customer Functions Submenu:
  • Search a movie by category, title, or director name
  • movie checkout
  • movie return
  • movie reserve
  • compute fine (for a movie copy checked out by a customer based on current date)
  • print the list of movies reserved by a customer and their status
  • print the movie ids and movie titles of movies directed by a director (this can be done in search)
  • Quit (log out)
  1. Administrative Functions Menu:
  • add a movie copy
  • search a movie and check the status of its copies
  • add new customer
  • add new admin
  • print store information (name and location) (do we need to assign a name to stores or is id/address/phone good enough?)
  • print top 10 most frequent renters in a store and the number of movies each has rented
  • print top 10 most rented movies in a store
  • print the 10 most popular movies of the year
  • find the avereage fine paid per customer
  • Quit (log out)

Misc. Cleanup Tasks (for when we're done with the bare-bones functions)

  • Make sure you can get back to home/member_menu/etc from more specific function pages
  • Make sure all query outputs display nicely (give them column headers, etc.)
  • Remove extra print statements
  • Make sure you have to be logged in to access member/admin pages
  • Add password verification for login pages
  • Fix movie return screen issue where it still shows the movie after you return it, until you refresh the screen
  • Add option to cancel a reservation on customer screen
  • Make reservations automatically cancel after a certain time
  • Use invoice_transaction.dailycharge to determine fee amount (currently it's a flat fee of $1.75 per day over the rental period)
  • Make IDs for copy, movie, etc auto-increment instead of assigning manually
  • Remove multiple submit buttons on reserve/checkout forms
  • Add more transactions/members/etc so the top 10 screens fill out better
  • Make the movie return page save the fine amount to the relevant invoice_transaction row (so that average fine report will work)
  • Add screenshots to user guide in word doc (required)
  • Add screens for checking/setting employee salary, hours, etc?
  • Add screens for checking out/returning dvd players?

This is the syntax for crossing out :D