
Udacity nanodegree project, evaluate news using NLP using webpack, Sass, JS and testing with jest.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Udacity ND project

Evaluate news article using NLP - meaningCloud API


This is the last project in Udacity React ND - advanced track in the FWD inititaive program. This project is focused on learning how to use webpack, webpack loaders and plugins, testing, SASS and other tools to build a nice dynamic web app. This web app uses an external API that evaluates text and returns analysis to the user. The user interface has an input space and a results section, and it's also interactive when user enters an invalid URL.

run the App:

  • Fill the .env file with your API key like this:
    • API_KEY=***********************
  • install all project dependencies with npm install or yarn install
  • build the dist with npm run build-prod
  • start the development server with npm run start or yarn run

The project structure:

  • project is webpack built with development environment and production environment configured separately in different config files for more stability, I also used "npm run build-dev" for development denvironemt and "npm run build-prod" for production envireonment. I used "web-dev-server" and other tools for better development and minifying everything. I also used server workers to enable offline functionality.

  • The JavaScript is mainly used to set up the server (express and other tools) , managing the handler functions and validation function on the Client side and updating the UI after API responses.

  • CSS and SASS are used chained in nested sass files for styling (simple styling)

  • Assests and image used are from screenshots form the project built and http://unsplash.com

API - meaningcloud - Sentiment analysis:

Sentiment Analysis is MeaningCloud's solution for performing a detailed multilingual sentiment analysis of texts from different sources. The text provided is analyzed to determine if it expresses a positive/negative/neutral sentiment. Additionally, Sentiment Analysis detects if the text processed is subjective or objective and if it contains irony marks [beta] at a global level, giving the user additional information.

Screnshots of the App:

Valid-URL with results:

validURL page

Invalid-URL with warning:

invalidURL page

  • Code: