The ISM43362 WiFi driver for mbed-os

The mbed OS driver for the ISM43362 WiFi module

Firmware version

ISM43362 module is soldered on DISCO_L475_IOT1A from STMicroelectronics This driver supports ISM43362-M3G-L44-SPI,C3.5.2.3.BETA9 firmware version For more information about the wifi FW version, refer to the detailed procedure in


The ISM43362 library has been tested with mbed-os-example-wifi

There are a couple other options that can be used during testing:

  • MBED_CFG_ISM43362_SSID - SSID of the wifi access point to connect to
  • MBED_CFG_ISM43362_PASS - Passphrase of the wifi access point to connect to
  • MBED_CFG_ISM43362_WIFI_MISO - spi-miso pin for the ism43362 connection
  • MBED_CFG_ISM43362_WIFI_MOSI - spi-mosi pin for the ism43362 connection
  • MBED_CFG_ISM43362_WIFI_SCLK - spi-clock pin for the ism43362 connection
  • MBED_CFG_ISM43362_WIFI_NSS - spi-nss pin for the ism43362 connection