
Lutin compiler

Primary LanguageC++


This project is to write a LALR parser for a toy language (Lutin), without using a tokenizer or parser tool (such as Lex, YACC or GNU Bison), but instead building the entire parser using only a regex parsing tool, and standard C++.

Example lutin code

var x;
const n = 10, n2 = 100;

ecrire n + n2;
x := n + n2;
ecrire x + 2;
lire x;
ecrire x;

This program declares one variable and two constants, writes 110 to the standard output, affects a value to x which is then written, and finally, it writes the user input on the standard output.

Complete description of the language's grammar can be found in grammar.md, and the project architecture in architecture.md

Automaton implementation

The automaton implemented was written specifically for this project by our team:

Automaton image


  • Declarations (var and const) must be done before any instruction.
  • ecrire means write to standard output, and lire means read from standard input.
  • The language only supports integers
  • If a litteral is on the right-hand side of an assignment, it can't be negative
  • Constants must be initialized with a positive integer litteral
  • Variables may not be initialized