
NOTE: This was a group project between five group members (myself included).

The Command Line Ordering System

In this group project, users are able to interact with a basic product ordering database via a command line interface.

Ordering System Interface

Main Menu

**  Welcome to Bangazon! Command Line Ordering System  **
1. Create a customer account
2. Choose active customer
3. Create a payment option
4. Add product to sell
5. Add product to shopping cart
6. Complete an order
7. Remove customer product
8. Leave Bangazon!

In order to run this project run the following commands from within the appropriate directory.

npm install
npm start

Creating New Customer


Users are able to create new customer accounts by selection option #1 from the Main Menu then filling out the following prompts:

Enter a customer name (First Name):
Enter a customer name (Last Name):
Enter a street address:
Enter City: 
Enter State: 
Enter Postal Code: 
Enter Phone: 

Once the customer has been added the user will see an alert that indicates the user has been successfully added.



Users are able to choose an active customer from the command line (Main Menu option #2).

  • Select number 2 from the command line.
  • You should see a list of all customers.
  • Enter a customer ID number and hit enter.
  • After selecting a customer you should be directed back to the initial Welcome prompt. There will be a message within the prompt that indicates which customer is now listed as your active customer.



Users are able to delete a customer's product only if it is not linked to an existing customer order.

Active Customer Must Be Selected

Users should not be able to delete a product if an active customer has not been selected. If a user attempts to delete a product prior to selecting an active customer they will see the following message: You cannot delete a product until you select an active customer. Please choose an active customer to continue.

Delete Product not linked to an order

Users should be able to delete a product if it is not linked to an order. To delete a product, first select an active customer then choose number 7 from the Main Menu prompt. If the product was successfully delete the user will get the following message: The product was successfully deleted!

If a user attempts to delete a product that is assigned to an order the user will see the following message: The product you selected is either attached to an existing order and can't be deleted, or does not exist. Please try again.

Add a Product


Users are able to add a product to sell once they have selected the correct active customer.

If the user tries to add a product (Main Menu option #4) before selecting a customer, it will throw an error and put the user back into the main menu. Once the user selects an active customer, he or she will choose option 4 and start inputting the data needed for a new product. If the user tries to put a word in for the quantity or price, it will throw an error and tell the user to put in a number. After the user completes the process of adding a product, they are alerted that their product has been succssefully added.

Adding a Payment Type


When an active customer is selected, the user is is able to then add a payment option for that customer.

In order to add a payment type follow these steps:

  • Select option 3 from the Main Menue to add payment type for the active customer
  • Follow the prompts to enter the required information:
Enter Payment Type
Enter Account number

Adding a Product to a Customer's Cart

Users are able to add a product(s) to the Active Customer's Cart using the prompt, after the Active Customer has been selected.

Active Customer Must Be Selected Users will not be able to add a Product to the Customers Cart if an active customer has not been selected. If you select #5 from the main menu before choosing an active customer, you will see the following error message:

You cannot add products to the cart until you select an active customer. Please choose an active customer to continue.

Select the product to be added to the cart After an active customer has been selected, proceed to the product list by selecting option # 5 on the Welcome Menu. Once selected, the user will be presented with a list of ALL products. The user must then input a number that corresponds to the product they wish to add. If they do not select a number that corresponds to a product, they will receive the following error message:

You did not enter a valid option. Please try again!

Select the quantity of the Product to be added to the Order Once a product has been selected, the User will be presented with a prompt to enter a total Quantity. The user will enter a number for the quantity they wish to add to their cart. If the quantity entered is not available, the User will be presented with a message notifying them how many of the product is available. Ex:

I'm sorry but there are only X items available to be added to your cart, please enter another quantity.

Once the user has entered an available quantity, the will receive a message notifying them of such. If no active order exists for the customer, an order will be created with the product added, and the customer will receive the following message:

Your Order has been created!

If an active order already exists for the customer, the product will be added to the order, and the customer will receive the following message:

Your Order has been updated with your product(s)

Once a product has been added to an order, the User will be returned to the Welcome Menu.

Complete a payment 1. select active customer 2. enter 6 on the command line to complete an order 3. CLI will prompt with current order total, enter Y or N 1. if N CLI will exit with console log (‘You chose to not complete your order!’) 4. If Y CLI will prompt to chose a payment option, enter the number of the payment option that is chosen 5. Console will log payment completed, run npm test or refresh the database to view successful update


To initiate the testing run the following commands in this exact order:

node db/build_table.js
npm test test/order.test.js
npm test test/paymentType.test.js
npm test test/product.test.js
npm test test/order_product.test.js
npm test test/customer.test.js