
📦📦 In this project we have to reimplement some of STL containers and functionalitys.

Primary LanguageC++


In this project we have to reimplement some of STL containers and functionalitys.

They are:
  • Containers:
  • vector
  • map
  • stack
  • std::iterator_traits
  • std::reverse_iterator
  • std::enable_if (c++11)
  • std::is_integral
  • std::equal and/or std::lexicographical_compare
  • std::pair
  • std::make_pair

this needs to be done following the rules ahead:

  • namespace = ft
  • You cannot implement more public functions than the ones offered in the standard containers
  • All the member functions, non-member functions and overloads of the standard containers are expected
  • iterator system in containers that have it
  • use std::alocator

All info about project can be found in wiki pages:


Progress schedule

  • Week 1:
    title Working tree (Week 1)
    section 13/11
      Iterators and allocators: 6: study
    section 14/11
      capacity memeber functions + some iterators: 4: implementation, study
    section 15/11
      finish iterators implementation: 4: implementation
    section 16/11
      lexygraphical compare, type traits: 4: study, implementation
    section 17/11
      Non Member functions: 3: study, Implementation
  • Week 2
    title Working tree (Week 2)
    section 21/11
      assign + tests: 3: implementation 
    section 22/11
      x: 0: nothing
    section 23/11
      x: 0: nothing
    section 24/11
      x: 0: nothing
    section 25/11
      x: 0: nothing
    section 26/11
      x: 0: nothing
  • Week 3
    title Working tree (Week 3)
    section 28/11
      erase, insert: 3: implementation 
    section 29/11
      assign, resize 0: implementation
    section 23/11
      x: 0: implementation
    section 24/11
      x: 0: study, implementation
    section 25/11
      x: 0: study, Implementation
    section 26/11
      x: 0: study, Implementation