
Learn how to build a marketplace contract with Sway

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Intro to Sway for JS Devs

If you know JavaScript, you can quickly learn to build full-stack dapps, or decentralized applications, on Fuel with Sway. Once you learn some Sway fundamentals, you'll be ready to start building your own dapp.


A Sway contract for a decentralized Amazon-like marketplace.

Make sure you have the Rust and Fuel toolchains installed. Install the beta-3 toolchain distribution and set it as your default.

You can build the Sway contract with forc build.

To run the tests in harness.rs, use cargo test. To print to the console from the tests, use cargo test -- --nocapture.

What is Sway?

Sway is a strongly-typed programming language based on Rust used to write smart contracts on the Fuel blockchain. It inherits Rust's performance, control, and safety to use in a blockchain virtual machine environment optimized for gas costs and contract safety.

Sway is backed by a powerful compiler and toolchain that work to abstract away complexities and ensure that your code is working, safe, and performant.

Part of what makes Sway so unique is the fantastic suite of tools surrounding it that help you turn a contract into a full-stack dapp:

  • 📚 Sway Standard Library: A native library of helpful types and methods.

  • 🧰 Forc: The Fuel toolbox that helps you build, deploy, and manage your Sway projects.

  • 🧑‍🔧 Fuelup: The official Fuel toolchain manager helps you install and manage versions.

  • 🦀 Fuels Rust SDK: Test and interact with your Sway contract with Rust.

  • ⚡ Fuels Typescript SDK: Test and interact with your Sway contract with TypeScript.

  • 🔭 Fuel Indexer: Make your own indexer to organize and query on-chain data.

Dev Setup

Before diving into any Sway code, ensure you have installed the following dependencies.

Start by installing the Fuel toolchain.

Install the beta-3 toolchain distribution and set it as your default with:

$ fuelup toolchain install beta-3
$ fuelup default beta-3

You can check to see the current toolchain version installed by running the following:

$ fuelup show

Next, add the Sway extension to your VS Code.

If you want to be able to run tests in Rust, install the Rust toolchain as well.

Writing a Contract

This example uses the beta-3 toolchain, which is version 0.35.3 of forc and version 0.17.3 of fuel-core.

Let's make a Sway contract for an online marketplace like Amazon, where sellers can list products, buyers can buy them, and the marketplace takes a cut of each purchase.

Part of what makes smart contracts so powerful is that they are immutable and permissionless. This means that unless you build a function to remove an item or block certain users, no one will be able to delist any item or deny any users. Likewise, if we hard-code a commission amount in the contract, no one can ever change the commission taken for products.

On top of this, anyone can interact with the contract. This means that anyone can make a frontend for your contract without permission, and contracts can interact with any number of frontends.

We can start by creating a new folder called sway-store, and making a new contract called sway-store-contract.

$ mkdir sway-store
$ cd sway-store
$ forc new contract

Open up the contract folder in VS Code, and inside the src folder you should see a file called main.sw. This is where you will write your Sway contract. You can delete everything in this file.

The first line of the file is specially reserved to let the compiler know if we are writing a contract, script, predicate, or library. To define the file as a contract, use the contract keyword.



The Sway standard library provides several utility types and methods we can use in our contract. To import a library, you can use the use keyword and ::, also called a namespace qualifier, to chain library names like this:

// imports the msg_sender function from the std library
use std::auth::msg_sender;

You can also group together imports using curly brackets:

use std::{

For this contract, here is what needs to be imported:

use std::{

We'll go through what each of these imports does as we use them later.

Item Struct

Struct is short for structure, which is a data structure similar to an object in JavaScript. You define a struct with the struct keyword and define the fields of a struct inside curly brackets.

The core of our program is the ability to list, sell, and get items.

Let's define the Item type as shown below:

struct Item {
    id: u64,
    price: u64,
    owner: Identity,
    metadata: str[20],
    total_bought: u64,

The item struct will hold an ID, price, the owner's identity, a string for a URL or identifier where off-chain data about the item is stored (such as the description and photos), and a total bought counter to keep track of the total number of purchases.


The Item struct uses three types: u64, str[20], and Identity.

u64: a 64-bit unsigned integer

In Sway, there are four native types of numbers:

  • u8: an 8-bit unsigned integer
  • u16 a 16-bit unsigned integer
  • u32 a 32-bit unsigned integer
  • u64: a 64-bit unsigned integer

An unsigned integer means there is no + or - sign, so the value is always positive. u64 is the default type used for numbers in Sway. To use other number types, for example u256 or signed integers, you must import them from a library.

In JavaScript, there are two types of integers: a number and a BigInt. The main difference between these types is that BigInt can store a much larger value. Similarly, each number type for Sway has different values for the largest number that can be stored.

str[20]: a string with exactly 20 characters. All strings in Sway must have a fixed length.

Identity: an enum type that represents either a user's Address or a ContractId. We already imported this type from the standard library earlier.


Next, we will define our ABI. ABI stands for application binary interface. In a Sway contract, it's an outline of all of the functions in the contract. For each function, you must specify its name, input types, return types, and level of storage access.

Our contract's ABI will look like this:

abi SwayStore {
    // a function to list an item for sale
    // takes the price and metadata as args
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]);

    // a function to buy an item
    // takes the item id as the arg
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64);

    // a function to get a certain item
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item;

    // a function to set the contract owner
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity;

    // a function to withdraw contract funds
    fn withdraw_funds();

    // return the number of items listed
    fn get_count() -> u64;


A function is defined with the fn keyword. Sway uses snake case, so instead of naming a function myFunction, you would use my_function.

You must define the return type using a skinny arrow if the function returns anything. If there are any parameters, the types must also be defined for those. Semicolons are required at the end of each line.

If any function reads from or writes to storage, you must define that level of access above the function with either #[storage(read)] or #[storage(read, write)].

If you expect funds to be sent when a function is called, like the buy_item function, you must use the #[payable] annotation.

Storage Block

Next, we can add the storage block. The storage block is where you can store any state variables in your contract that you want to be persistent. Any Sway primitive type can be stored in the storage block.

Any variables declared inside a function and not saved in the storage block will be destroyed when the function finishes executing.

storage {
    // counter for total items listed
    item_counter: u64 = 0,
    // map of item IDs to Items
    item_map: StorageMap<u64, Item> = StorageMap {},
    // owner of the contract
    owner: Option<Identity> = Option::None,

The first variable we have stored is item_counter, a number initialized to 0. You can use this counter to track the total number of items listed.


A StorageMap is a special type that allows you to save key-value pairs inside a storage block.

To define a storage map, you must specify the type for the key and value. For example, below, the type for the key is u64, and the type for the value is an Item struct.

item_map: StorageMap<u64, Item> = StorageMap{}

Here, we are saving a mapping of the item's ID to the Item struct. With this, we can look up information about an item with the ID.


Here we are setting the variable owner as a variable that could be None or could store an Identity.

owner: Option<Identity> = Option::None

If you want a value to be null or undefined under certain conditions, you can use an Option type, which is an enum that can be either Some(value) or None. The keyword None represents that no value exists, while the keyword Some means there is some value stored.

Error Handling

Enumerations, or enums, are a type that can be one of several variations. In our contract, we can use an enum to create custom errors to handle errors in a function.

enum InvalidError {
    IncorrectAssetId: ContractId,
    NotEnoughTokens: u64,
    OnlyOwner: Identity,

In our contract, we can expect there to be some different situations where we want to throw an error and prevent the transaction from executing:

  1. Someone could try to pay for an item with the wrong currency.
  2. Someone could try to buy an item without having enough coins.
  3. Someone could try to withdraw funds from the contract who isn't the owner.

We can define the return types for each error. For the IncorrectAssetId error we can return the asset id sent, which is a ContractId type. For the NotEnoughTokens variation, we can return the number of coins by defining the return type as a u64. For the OnlyOwner Error, we can use the Identity of the message sender.

Contract Functions

Finally, we can write our contract functions. Copy and paste the ABI from earlier. The functions in the contract must match the ABI, or the compiler will throw an error. Replace the semicolons at the end of each function with curly brackets, and change abi SwayStore to impl SwayStore for Contract as shown below:

impl SwayStore for Contract {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]){

    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64) {

    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item {

    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity {

    fn withdraw_funds(){

    fn get_count() -> u64{

Listing an item

Our first function allows sellers to list an item for sale. They can set the item's price and a string that points to some externally-stored data about the item.

#[storage(read, write)]
fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]) {
    // increment the item counter
    storage.item_counter += 1;
    //  get the message sender
    let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
    // configure the item
    let new_item: Item = Item {
        id: storage.item_counter,
        price: price,
        owner: sender,
        metadata: metadata,
        total_bought: 0,
    // save the new item to storage using the counter value
    storage.item_map.insert(storage.item_counter, new_item);

Updating storage

The first step is incrementing the item_counter from storage so we can use it as the item's ID.

storage.item_counter += 1;

Getting the message sender

Next, we can get the Identity of the account listing the item.

To define a variable in Sway, you can use let or const. Types must be declared where they cannot be inferred by the compiler.

To get the Identity, you can use the msg_sender function imported from the standard library. This function returns a Result, which is an enum type that is either OK or an error. The Result type is used when a value that could potentially be an error is expected.

enum Result<T, E> {

The msg_sender function returns a Result that is either an Identity or an AuthError in the case of an error.

let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();

To access the inner returned value, you can use the unwrap method, which returns the inner value if the Result is OK, and panics if the result is an error.

Creating a new item

We can create a new item using the Item struct. Use the item_counter value from storage for the ID, set the price and metadata as the input parameters, and set total_bought to 0.

Because the owner field requires a type Identity, you can use the sender value returned from msg_sender().

let new_item: Item = Item {
    id: storage.item_counter,
    price: price,
    owner: sender,
    metadata: metadata,
    total_bought: 0,

Updating a StorageMap

Finally, you can add the item to the item_map in the storage using the insert method. You can use the same ID for the key and set the item as the value.

storage.item_map.insert(storage.item_counter, new_item);

Buying an item

Next, we want buyers to be able to buy an item that has been listed, which means we will need to:

  • accept the item ID as a function parameter
  • make sure the buyer is paying the right price and using the right coins
  • increment the total_bought count for the item
  • transfer the cost of the item to the seller minus some fee that the contract will keep
#[storage(read, write), payable]
fn buy_item(item_id: u64) {
    // get the asset id for the asset sent
    let asset_id = msg_asset_id();
    // require that the correct asset was sent
    require(asset_id == BASE_ASSET_ID, InvalidError::IncorrectAssetId(asset_id));

    // get the amount of coins sent
    let amount = msg_amount();

    // get the item to buy
    let mut item = storage.item_map.get(item_id).unwrap();

    // require that the amount is at least the price of the item
    require(amount >= item.price, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));

    // update the total amount bought
    item.total_bought += 1;
    // update the item in the storage map
    storage.item_map.insert(item_id, item);

    // only charge commission if price is more than 0.1 ETH
    if amount > 100_000_000 {
        // keep a 5% commission
        let commission = amount / 20;
        let new_amount = amount - commission;
        // send the payout minus commission to the seller
        transfer(new_amount, asset_id, item.owner);
    } else {
        // send the full payout to the seller
        transfer(amount, asset_id, item.owner);

Verifying payment

We can use the msg_asset_id function imported from the standard library to get the asset ID of the coins being sent in the transaction.

let asset_id = msg_asset_id();

Then, we can use a require statement to assert that the asset sent is the right one.

A require statement takes two arguments: a condition and a value that gets logged if the condition is false. If false, the entire transaction will be reverted, and no changes will be applied.

Here the condition is that the asset_id must be equal to the BASE_ASSET_ID, which is the default asset used for the base blockchain that we imported from the standard library.

If the asset is any different, or, for example, someone tries to buy an item with another coin, we can throw the custom error that we defined earlier and pass in the asset_id.

require(asset_id == BASE_ASSET_ID, InvalidError::IncorrectAssetId(asset_id));

Next, we can use the msg_amount function from the standard library to get the number of coins sent from the buyer.

let amount = msg_amount();

To check that this amount isn't less than the item's price, we need to look up the item details using the item_id parameter.

To get a value for a particular key in a storage map, we can use the get method and pass in the key value. This method returns a Result type, so we can use the unwrap method here to access the item value.

let mut item = storage.item_map.get(item_id).unwrap();

By default, all variables are immutable in Sway for both let and const. However, if you want to change the value of any variable, you have to declare it as mutable with the mut keyword. Because we'll update the item's total_bought value later, we need to define it as mutable.

We also want to require that the number of coins sent to buy the item isn't less than the item's price.

require(amount >= item.price, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));

Updating storage

We can increment the value for the item's total_bought field and then re-insert it into the item_map. This will overwrite the previous value with the updated item.

item.total_bought += 1;
storage.item_map.insert(item_id, item);

Transferring payment

Finally, we can transfer the payment to the seller. It's always best to transfer assets after all storage updates have been made to avoid re-entrancy attacks.

We can subtract a fee for items that meet a certain price threshold using a conditional if statement. if statements in Sway don't use parentheses around the conditions, but otherwise look the same as in JavaScript.

if amount > 100_000_000 {
    let commission = amount / 20;
    let new_amount = amount - commission;
    transfer(new_amount, asset_id, item.owner);
} else {
    transfer(amount, asset_id, item.owner);

In the if-condition above, we check if the amount sent exceeds 100,000,000. To visually separate a large number like 100000000, we can use an underscore, like 100_000_000. If the base asset for this contract is ETH, this would be equal to 0.1 ETH.

If the amount exceeds 0.1 ETH, we calculate a commission and subtract that from the amount.

We can use the transfer function to send the amount to the item owner. The transfer function is imported from the standard library and takes three arguments: the number of coins to transfer, the asset ID of the coins, and an Identity to send the coins to.

Get an item

To get the details for an item, we can create a read-only function that returns the Item struct for a given item ID.

fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item {

To return a value in a function, you can either use the return keyword just as you would in JavaScript or omit the semicolon in the last line to return that line.

fn my_function(num: u64) -> u64{
    // returning the num variable
    // this would also work:
    // return num;

Initialize the owner

To make sure we are setting the owner Identity correctly, instead of hard-coding it, we can use this function to set the owner from a wallet.

#[storage(read, write)]
fn initialize_owner() -> Identity {
    let owner = storage.owner;
    // make sure the owner has NOT already been initialized
    require(owner.is_none(), "owner already initialized");
    // get the identity of the sender
    let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
    // set the owner to the sender's identity
    storage.owner = Option::Some(sender);
    // return the owner

Because we only want to be able to call this function once (right after the contract is deployed), we'll require that the owner value still needs be None. To do that, we can use the is_none method, which checks if an Option type is None.

let owner = storage.owner;
require(owner.is_none(), "owner already initialized");

To set the owner as the message sender, we'll need to convert the Result type to an Option type.

let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
storage.owner = Option::Some(sender);

Last, we'll return the message sender's Identity.


Withdraw funds

The withdraw_funds function allows the owner to withdraw the funds that the contract has accrued.

fn withdraw_funds() {
    let owner = storage.owner;
    // make sure the owner has been initialized
    require(owner.is_some(), "owner not initialized");
    let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
    // require the sender to be the owner
    require(sender == owner.unwrap(), InvalidError::OnlyOwner(sender));

    // get the current balance of this contract for the base asset
    let amount = this_balance(BASE_ASSET_ID);

    // require the contract balance to be more than 0
    require(amount > 0, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
    // send the amount to the owner
    transfer(amount, BASE_ASSET_ID, owner.unwrap());

First, we'll ensure that the owner has been initalized to some address.

let owner = storage.owner;
require(owner.is_some(), InvalidError::OwnerNotInitialized);

Next, we will require that the person trying to withdraw the funds is the owner.

let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();  
require(sender == owner.unwrap(), InvalidError::OnlyOwner(sender));

We can also ensure that there are funds to send using the this_balance function from the standard library, which returns the balance of this contract.

let amount = this_balance(BASE_ASSET_ID);
require(amount > 0, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));

Finally, we will transfer the balance of the contract to the owner.

transfer(amount, BASE_ASSET_ID, owner.unwrap());

Get the project count

The last function we need to add is the get_count function, which is a simple getter function to return the item_counter variable in storage.

fn get_count() -> u64 {

Building the contract

You can compile your contract by running forc build in the contract folder. And that's it! You just wrote an entire contract in Sway 💪🛠🔥🚀🎉😎🌴✨.

To format your contract, run forc fmt.

Testing the contract

You can see the complete code for this contract plus example tests using the Rust SDK in this repo.

To generate your own test template in Rust, you can use cargo-generate:

cargo install cargo-generate
cargo generate --init fuellabs/sway templates/sway-test-rs --name contract

To run the tests in harness.rs, use cargo test. To print to the console from the tests, use cargo test -- --nocapture.

Deploying the contract

You can find the instructions to deploy this contract in the official Fuel developer quickstart: https://fuelbook.fuel.network/master/quickstart/smart-contract.html#deploy-the-contract

Make sure to deploy with the --random-salt flag, as this contract has been deployed.

Once your contract is deployed, save your contract ID to use in the frontend.

Building the Frontend


Initialize a new React app with TypeScript in the same parent folder as your contract using the command below.

npx create-react-app frontend --template typescript

Next, install the fuels Typescript and wallet SDKs in the frontend folder and generate types from your contract with fuels typegen.

cd frontend
npm install fuels @fuel-wallet/sdk
npx fuels typegen -i ../contract/out/debug/*-abi.json -o ./src/contracts

In the tsconfig.json file, add the line below in the compilerOptions object to add the Fuel wallet type on the window object.

"types": ["@fuel-wallet/sdk"],

Open the src/App.tsx file, and replace the boilerplate code with the template below:

import { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from "react";
import { WalletLocked } from "fuels";
import { ContractAbi__factory } from "./contracts"
import './App.css';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        <h1>Sway Marketplace</h1>

export default App;

Finally, copy and paste the CSS code below in your App.css file to add some simple styling.

.App {
  text-align: center;

nav > ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  gap: 1rem;
  padding-inline-start: 0;

nav > ul > li {
  cursor: pointer;

  text-align: left;
  font-size: 18px;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  margin: 0 auto;
  max-width: 400px;

.form-control > input {
  margin-bottom: 1rem;

.form-control > button {
  cursor: pointer;
  background: #054a9f;
  color: white;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 8px;
  padding: 10px 0;
  font-size: 20px;

  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  gap: 2rem;
  margin: 1rem 0;

  box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  border-radius: 8px;
  max-width: 300px;
  padding: 1rem;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  gap: 4px;

  border-bottom: 4px solid #77b6d8;

button {
  cursor: pointer;
  background: #054a9f;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 12px;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  margin-top: 20px;
  font-size: 20px;
  color: white;

Connecting to the contract

At the top of the file, add your contract ID as a constant.

const CONTRACT_ID = "0x..."

Next, create a new folder in the src folder called hooks, and copy and paste the useFuel.tsx and useIsConnected.tsx hooks from the example in this repo. You can also find them in the offical wallet docs.

In App.tsx, import both of these hooks.

import { useIsConnected } from "./hooks/useIsConnected";
import { useFuel } from "./hooks/useFuel";

In the App function, we can call these hooks like this:

const [fuel] = useFuel();
const [isConnected] = useIsConnected();

Now we can check if the user has the fuel wallet installed and check if it's connected.

If the user doesn't have the fuel object in their window, we know that they don't have the Fuel wallet extention installed. If they have it installed, we can then check if the wallet is connected.

{fuel ? (
        {isConnected ? (
        ) : (
                <button onClick={() => fuel.connect()}>Connect Wallet</button>
    ) : (
        Download the{" "}
        rel="noopener noreferrer"
        Fuel Wallet
        </a>{" "}
        to use the app.

Next, let's add a state variable called wallets with the useState hook, which will have the type WalletLocked.

You can think of a locked wallet as a user wallet you can't sign transactions for, and an unlocked wallet as a wallet where you have the private key and are able to sign transactions.

const [wallet, setWallet] = useState<WalletLocked>();

We can then use the useEffect hook below to get the connected wallet account.

useEffect(() => {
    async function getAccounts() {
      const currentAccount = await fuel.currentAccount();
      const tempWallet = await fuel.getWallet(currentAccount)
    if (fuel) getAccounts();
  }, [fuel]);

Next, we can use the useMemo hook to connect to our contract with the connected wallet.

 const contract = useMemo(() => {
    if (fuel && wallet) {
      const contract = ContractAbi__factory.connect(CONTRACT_ID, wallet);
      return contract;
    return null;
  }, [fuel, wallet]);

Now we have our contract connection ready. You can console log the contract here to make sure this is working correctly.


In our app we're going to have two tabs: one to see all of the items listed for sale, and one to list a new item for sale.

Let's add another state variable called active that we can use to toggle between our tabs. We can set the default tab to show all listed items.

const [active, setActive] = useState<'all-items' | 'list-item'>('all-items');

Below the header, add a nav section to toggle between the two options.

        className={active === 'all-items' ? "active-tab" : ""}
        onClick={() => setActive('all-items')}
        See All Items
        className={active === 'list-item' ? "active-tab" : ""}
        onClick={() => setActive('list-item')}
        List an Item

Next we can create our components to show and list items.

Listing an Item

Create a new folder in the src folder called components, and create a file there component called ListItem.tsx.

At the top of the file, import the useState hook from react, the generated contract ABI from the contracts folder, and bn (big number) type from fuels.

import { useState } from "react";
import { ContractAbi } from "../contracts";
import { bn } from "fuels";

This component will take the contract we made in App.tsx as a prop, so let's create an interface for the component.

interface ListItemsProps {
  contract: ContractAbi | null;

We can set up the template for the function like this.

export default function ListItem({contract}: ListItemsProps){
    return (
            <h2>List an Item</h2>

To list an item, we'll create a form where the user can input the metadata string and price for the item they want to list. Let's start by adding some state variables for the metadata and price. We can also add a status variable to track the submit status.

const [metadata, setMetadata] = useState<string>("");
const [price, setPrice] = useState<string>("0");
const [status, setStatus] = useState<'success' | 'error' | 'loading' | 'none'>('none');

Under the heading, add the code below for the form:

{status === 'none' &&
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        <div className="form-control">
            <label htmlFor="metadata">Item Metadata:</label>
                title="The metatdata must be 20 characters"
                onChange={(e) => setMetadata(e.target.value)}

        <div className="form-control">
            <label htmlFor="price">Item Price:</label>
                onChange={(e) => {

        <div className="form-control">
            <button type="submit">List item</button>

{status === 'success' && <div>Item successfully listed!</div>}
{status === 'error' && <div>Error listing item. Please try again.</div>}
{status === 'loading' && <div>Listing item...</div>}

Finally, we need to add the handleSubmit function. We can use the contract prop to call the list_item function and pass in the price and metadata from the form.

async function handleSubmit(e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>){
    if(contract !== null){
        try {
            const priceInput = bn.parseUnits(price.toString());
            await contract.functions.list_item(priceInput, metadata).call();
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("ERROR:", e);
    } else {
        console.log("ERROR: Contract is null");

Now that we have this component, let's add it to our App.tsx file and try it out.

Import the ListItem component at the top of the file. Then, replace where it says Connected! with the code below:

{active === 'all-items' && <div>All Items</div>}
{active === 'list-item' && <ListItem contract={contract} />}

Now, try listing an item to make sure this works. You should see the message Item successfully listed!.

Show All Items

Next, let's create a new file called AllItems.tsx in the components folder.

Copy and paste the template code below for this component:

import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { ContractAbi } from "../contracts";
import { ItemOutput } from "../contracts/ContractAbi";

interface AllItemsProps {
  contract: ContractAbi | null;
export default function AllItems({ contract }: AllItemsProps) {
    return (
            <h2>All Items</h2>

Here we can get the item count to see how many items are listed, and then loop through each of them to get the item details.

First, let's create some state variables to store the number of items listed, an array of the item details, and the loading status.

const [itemCount, setItemCount] = useState<number>(0);
const [items, setItems] = useState<ItemOutput[]>([]);
const [status, setStatus] = useState<'success' | 'loading' | 'error'>('loading');

Next, let's fetch the items in a useEffect hook. Because these are read-only functions, we can simulate a dry-run of the transaction by using the get method instead of call so the user doesn't have to sign anything.

useEffect(() => {
    async function getAllItems() {
      if (contract !== null) {
        try {
          let { value } = await contract.functions.get_count().get();
          let formattedValue = parseFloat(value.format()) * 1_000_000_000;
          let max = formattedValue + 1;
          let tempItems = [];
          for(let i=1; i < max; i++){
            let resp = await contract.functions.get_item(i).get();
        } catch (e) {
          console.log("ERROR:", e);
  }, [contract]);

If the item count is greater than 0 and we are able to successfully load the items, we can map through them and display an item card.

The item card will show the item details and a buy button to buy that item, so we'll need to pass the contract and the item as props.

{status === 'success' &&
    {itemCount === 0 ? (
    <div>Uh oh! No items have been listed yet</div>
    ) : (
        <div>Total items: {itemCount}</div>
        <div className="items-container">
            {items.map((item) => (
                <ItemCard key={item.id.format()} contract={contract} item={item}/>
{status === 'error' && <div>Something went wrong, try reloading the page.</div>}
{status === 'loading' && <div>Loading...</div>}

Item Card

Now let's create the item card component. Create a new file called ItemCard.tsx in the components folder, and copy and paste the template code below.

import { useState } from "react";
import { ItemOutput } from "../contracts/ContractAbi";
import { ContractAbi } from "../contracts";

interface ItemCardProps {
    contract: ContractAbi | null;
    item: ItemOutput;

export default function ItemCard({ item, contract }: ItemCardProps) {
    return (
        <div className="item-card">

Add a status variable to track the status of the buy button.

const [status, setStatus] = useState<'success' | 'error' | 'loading' | 'none'>('none');

Then add the item details and status messages to the card.

<div className="item-card">
    <div>Id: {parseFloat(item.id.format()) * 1_000_000_000}</div>
    <div>Metadata: {item.metadata}</div>
    <div>Price: {parseFloat(item.price.format())} ETH</div>
    <div>Total Bought: {parseFloat(item.total_bought.format()) * 1_000_000_000}</div>
    {status === 'success' && <div>Purchased ✅</div>}
    {status === 'error' && <div>Something went wrong ❌</div>}
    {status === 'none' &&  <button onClick={handleBuyItem}>Buy Item</button>}
    {status === 'loading' && <div>Buying item...</div>}

Create a new async function called handleBuyItem. Because this function is payable and transfers coins to the item owner, we'll need to do a couple special things here.

Whenever we call any function that uses the transfer or mint functions in Sway, we have to append the matching number of variable outputs to the call with the txParams method. Because the buy_item function just transfers assets to the item owner, the number of variable outputs is 1.

Next, because this function is payable and the user needs to transfer the price of the item, we'll use the callParams method to forward the amount. With Fuel you can transfer any type of asset, so we need to specify both the amount and the asset ID.

const assetId = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

async function handleBuyItem() {
    if (contract !== null) {
        try {
        await contract.functions.buy_item(item.id)
        .txParams({ variableOutputs: 1 })
            forward: [item.price, assetId],
        } catch (e) {
        console.log("ERROR:", e);

Go back to AllItems.tsx and import the ItemCard component we just made.

Finally, in App.tsx, import the AllItems component and replace {active === 'all-items' && <div>All Items</div>} with the line below:

{active === 'all-items' && <AllItems contract={contract} />}

Now you should be able to see and buy all of the items listed in your contract.

And that's it for the frontend! You just created a whole dapp on Fuel!

Keep building on Fuel

Ready to keep building? You can dive deeper into Sway and Fuel in the resources below:

📘 Read the Sway Book

Build a frontend with the TypeScript SDK

🦀 Write tests with the Rust SDK

🔧 Learn how to use Fuelup

🏃‍ Follow the Fuel Quickstart

📖 See Example Sway Applications

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