
Generate all icons for your iOS app given a "seed" icon and one line of code

Primary LanguageRuby

iOS Icon Seed

A simple ruby script (for OS X) for generating all icons outlined in Apple's specificiations: https://developer.apple.com/LIBRARY/IOS/qa/qa1686/_index.html.


  1. Create icon_seed.png (1024x1024)

  2. ./icon_seed.rb

Supported Icons

Size Name
1024x1024 iTunesArtwork@2x
512x512 iTunesArtwork
152x152 Icon-76@2x.png
144x144 Icon-72@2x.png
120x120 Icon-60@2x.png
114x114 Icon@2x.png
100x100 Icon-Small-50@2x.png
80x80 Icon-Small-40@2x.png
76x76 Icon-76.png
72x72 Icon-72.png
58x58 Icon-Small@2x.png
57x57 Icon.png
50x50 Icon-Small-50.png
40x40 Icon-Small-40.png
29x29 Icon-Small.png