
Mapzen documentation pipeline to static HTML.

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Mapzen's documentation pipeline

We write our documentation in Markdown and store them in GitHub, and use a MkDocs-based automated workflow to convert them into friendlier static-site documentation pages hosted at https://mapzen.com/documentation/. You can read more about this on our blog post.


Documentation is generated hourly from a scheduled task attached to the Heroku app mapzen-docs-generator.

Installation, Testing, And Use

Rapid bootstrapping

On a Mac, assuming you have Homebrew and Python 3 installed, and a local checkout of this repository:

# Prepare virtualenv and install local dependencies
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -Ur requirements.txt

# Get all the sources and build all the documentation

# Local preview
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
open http://localhost:8000/dist/

Using MkDocs watch feature

MkDocs can only build one set of documentation at a time, so there's really no way to build and then watch the entire documentation suite at once. However you can still just watch one set of documentation which is still enough for editing styles or debugging.

make dist-tangram                       # Prepares documentation, in this case it's tangram
mkdocs serve -f dist-tangram-mkdocs.yml # Run the server with watch

Customizing templates

We've heavily customized the MkDocs theme for use with Mapzen documentation. Resources for helping this happen are a little scattered so here is an attempt to gather all the relevant information in one spot.

Making MkDocs happy

You must always:

  • Include an index.md file at the root folder of your documentation. (Note: MkDocs will allow this to be customized in the future.)
  • Include all local documentation assets, such as images, inside this root folder (or link to an external source).
  • Start each page with a top-level heading. (Note: The level of heading should no longer affect presentation, but I still need to test whether this affects TOC creation.)

You will sometimes:

  • Think carefully about the choices you made in life.

Markdown formatting tweaks for compatibility with GitHub

  • Blank lines between different blocks of content will be your best friend(s). So, include a blank line before and after bulleted lists, numbered lists, code blocks, images...
  • If a code block or image is supposed to be part of a list, remember the blank lines before and after, and also indent it four spaces. Using or mixing tabs might cause problems. Python Markdown is a lot pickier about this than GitHub-flavored Markdown, causing lists to nest improperly or break numbering altogether.
  • Good luck!

Updating documentation sources

There are two things to do if you want to change the GitHub source of documentation.

  1. Update the project configuration file. This is located at config/project-name.yml file. Look for the extra key and find or create, one level in, the docs_base_url key. This is used to build the "edit in GitHub" links at the bottom of each page. The actual path and file name are appended to the base URL. It will look something like this:

      docs_base_url: https://github.com/mapzen/mapzen-docs/tree/master/metro-extracts
  2. Update the repository path in the Makefile. This is a little harder because it requires some knowledge of shell scripting and Make. Generally, we want to first retrieve the source documentation file from GitHub (it's compressed). Next, uncompress it -- extract the files into the src/project-name directory. If you're getting files from the mapzen-docs repository, you will have to flatten the directory structure a level up because of how the repository is organized. This step can vary depending on the project, which is why it's not super friendly.