
Mr. Meowgi, the purrrate kat

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Initial Load

  • What does the website look like before ajax?
  • After Ajax Call
  • Create DOM Nodes
  • Insert DOM Nodes

On inital load:

  • Set loading variable to true
  • do Promise.all on all ajax calls
  • User gets blank screen until after 1000ms, then they get a loading screen

Promise.all([catFetch('acur'), catFetch('amis'))]):

  • This fetches results for cat API
  • What happens if api fails? implement retry, after 3 retries, create a page that says please reload the page

After Promise.all resolves:

  • Set loading to false
  • Since loading is false. it starts building the DOM

Building the DOM

  • API: function createContainer(apiPayload, layoutType)
  • layoutType = IMAGE_TOP | IMAGE_BOTTOM
  • api_payload: results from cat API


  • Get properties from apiPayload
  • Create DOM mpdes from apiPayload
  • Insert DOM Nodes
  • add addEventListener to button with a function called on initial load

How to compile/transpile your SASS/SCSS files to CSS Files at realtime with live browser reload:

  1. Install Live Sass Compiler Extension on code editor
  2. Click to "Watch Sass" from Statusbar to turn on the live compilation