Primary LanguageJavaScript

CI/CD for simple NodeJs APP with unit tests


  • NodeJS with restify framework

  • Docker

  • Ansible

  • Jenkins

Development Setup:

  • run "sudo .prepare-dev.sh" bash script to prepare the environment for node.js development

Jenkins Setup:

  • under setup directory, add your own public key"use ssh-keygen" to "pre.sh" and run it

  • run ansible-playbook prepare-env.yml to install java and Jenkins

  • under CI-CD directory,

    on your server add jenkins user to docker group

    usermod -aG docker jenkins

navigate http://your-ip:8080/pluginManager/available

search for this plugin "CloudBees Docker Build and Publish"

click Download Now and check the box to restart

  • get the latest version of the source code, to build docker image, to upload docker image to hub.docker.com

How create a pipeline?

1- select New Item from left side

2- enter the name and select the pipelin type

3- copy the content of Jenkinsfile to the pipeline

How to use pipeline syntax?

Navugate http://your-ip:8080/job/job-name/pipeline-syntax/

-> select git and prvoide the repo url and username/password"if it is a private", it will generate the syntax for you

-> select the withdocker-registry which installed before and provide it with credtanials

  • run following script to install and configure Jenkins

  • Document steps to setup Jenkins job to get the latest version of the source code, to build docker image, to upload docker image to hub.docker.com

How to run container:

  • install Docker

    curl -fsSL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh

    sh get-docker.sh

  • Build the image

    docker build -t docker-demo:1 .

  • Run a Container

    docker run -d -p 80:3000 docker-demo:1


cd nodejs-endpoint-container

npm install

npm test


Root Directory Test

Should Behave properly on GETing /

✓ should call next

✓ should call send on resp

✓ should call send on resp with Hello World as a message

✓ should have json as the content type of the respones