
node-generated readme

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CLI-generated README

License: MIT

Deployment Date: 10/19/22 |

WALK-THROUGH CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xGBVmggstEhNnbwOQi4cd8ki_7CZ_Djx/view?usp=sharing

Technologies used: Node.js, JavaScript, npm Inquirer package
Project goal: Create a command-line application that dynamically generates a professional README

Table of Contents

  1. Project Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Contribution Guidelines
  5. Challenges Encounted
  6. Tests
  7. License


The instructions for this project were to create a high-quality README template that would populate information provided by a user using Node CLI. Upon completion of the CLI questionnaire, the program succesfully produces a README markdown file in the current working directory.


To implement this program, you'll need to require node and fs modules and also install the inquirer package on npm. The index.js file with the command line prompt questions will need to be accessible in the current working directory, and the generateMarkdown.js file with the markdown syntax will need to be accessible in the utils folder.


In VSCode, navigate to the index.js file, open the integrate terminal and enter node index.js. Complete the questionnaire and wait for your completed readme to populate in the folder.


Contributions are welcome. My contact information is below.


The biggest issue was getting the syntax down for writing the file, specifically figuring out from where to pull the data. I also had to remove the image prompt due to formatting issues. I hope to add it back in the future.


No tests were written for this program.


Click the badge to learn more about the license used for this project.
License: MIT


Find me on GitHub at: https://github.com/sarahthoorens

You can also send any questions about this project to: s.thoorens@gmail.com

_ This README was generated using a command-line application _