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Analysis code for Blichner et al 2021


This is the analysis code assosiated with the paper: Blichner, S.M., Sporre M.K., Makkonen, R. and Berntsen, T. "Implementing a sectional scheme for early aerosol growth from new particle formation in an Earth System Model: comparison to observations and climate impact ", submitted to GMD oct 2020.

The EUSAAR comparison needs to be run in a specific order, please see sectional_v2/notebooks/eusaari/code_usage.ipynb

Please direct any questions to Sara Blichner, s.m.blichner@geo.uio.no

Software environment

To replicate the software environment, please do:

conda env create -f env_oas_dev.yml
conda activate env_oas_dev
conda conda develop .

Please note that some of the data processing is memory heavy

To reproduce results:

Please install the software environment as described above.

  1. Download the eusaar dataset https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/11/5505/2011/acp-11-5505-2011.pdf
  2. Download noresm output (link coming)
  3. Edit oas_dev/constants.py with the correct paths
  4. Go to oas_dev/notebooks and run notebooks. Note that notebooks in oas_dev/eusaari/ must be run with code order in oas_dev/eusaari/01-preprocess first