
Easy to use Drag Rating with customisation with custom assets

Primary LanguageKotlin

Drag Rating

Drag rating is a rating view inspired of Drag Review from Book My Show app. The purpose of this library is to create simple and easy to use Drag Rating Widget with support for custom assets.

Include this library by adding below line to the module level build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.saran2020:DragRating:2.1.0'


    app:max_rating="5" />

initial_rating - It's used to set the initial rating to the widget.
max_rating - It's used to set the maximum allowed rating. The number you provide here is the number of stars that will be drawn.
rating_space - It can be used to control the space between two star views.

Current rating can be read using getRating() and to set the rating use method setRating(3.5f).

To provide custom asset for the view, you need to set a Map with the multiplier for the asset and the asset like shown below.

Passing custom asset resource id

        0f to R.drawable.ic_star_empty,
        0.5f to R.drawable.ic_star_half,
        1f to R.drawable.ic_star_full

Passing asset as Drawable in kotlin

        0f to emptyRating,
        0.5f to halfRating,
        1f to fullRating

NOTE: You should only provide the multiplier between 0 and 1. If the current rating is 1.5 it will automatically fill one star with the asset mapped to 1f and one star with asset mapped to 0.5f

Callback when user is dragging the DragRatingView

ratingView.callback = object : DragRatingView.RatingChangeCallback {
    override fun onRatingChange(previous: Float, new: Float) {
        Log.d(TAG, "previous rating = $previous new rating = $current")