Task1: Crawling the documents using both Breadth-First and Depth-First traversal techniques. Task2: Crawling the documents with respect to a set of keywords and considering valid variations of the keywords.
The ./src/ folder consists of source code files
1. CrawlCaller.java - Consists of the Main Method to kick start the program.
2. CrawlConfig.java - Contains configurable parameters for the call.
3. Crawler.java - Has the crawler logic implemented.
4. FileUtility.java - Utility file for accessing flat files.
5. Dictionary.java - Accesses and maintains a dictionary of English words.
6. Tests.java - Consists of tests to validate the crawler ouputs.
The ./output/ folder consists of sample outputs of the call
1. crawlBreadthFirst.txt - First 1000 urls from breadth first traversal.
2. crawlDepthFirst.txt - First 1000 urls from depth first traversal.
3. crawlFocused.txt - First 1000 urls from focused crawling.
The following external library might need to be referenced to the build path, or via using a Maven dependency.
- JSoup
- English Words Collection - words.txt
Citation: https://github.com/dwyl/english-words/blob/master/words.txt
The above libraries have been included in the ./externalLibrary/ folder
Task 1:
DFS : 6
BFS : 2
Task 2:
FocusedCrawl: 4