

Primary LanguageCSS

Read Me Template

Write a short sentence or two about this project and what it does. Be sure to include a link and a screenshot.

Link to project: http://recruiters-love-seeing-live-demos.com/

alt tag OR Alt text

How It's Made:

Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Framework of choice

Here's where you can go to town on how you actually built this thing. Write as much as you can here, it's totally fine if it's not too much just make sure you write something.



Did you write something then refactor it later and the result was 5x faster than the original implementation? Did you cache your assets?

Lessons Learned:

No matter what your experience level, being an engineer means continuously learning. Every time you build something you always have those whoa this is awesome or fuck yeah I did it! moments. This is where you should share those moments!