
Spring boot template with complete boilerplate code for IAM authentication, in-memory db support and many more features to start your new project hassle free. Spring Boot 6 + Java 17 support.

Primary LanguageJava

Learn Spring Boot - template


This project is a simple microservice template with basic configuration and functionality, which serves as a base code for new applications that require microservice architecture.

The main objectives of this template are:

  • Provide a base version of the microservice which covers a lot of boilerplate code to quickly set up new projects.
  • Provides user login workflow via IAM out of the box.
  • CI/CD integrations with Teamcity and Artifactory related configurations out of the box.
  • Prepare unit/integration testing configurations with examples out of the box, which can be easily extended
  • Describe documentation approach (e.g. Swagger and Readme.md)
  • Make new developers aware of the best practices and approaches used in modern applications
  • H2 in memory database integration for writing elaborate, end-to-end integration tests.



H2 database is integrated into this microservice to allow quick start for applications which need spring session functionality (mandatory for LDAP) or mocking endpoints data if Oracle or other external DBs are not available.

H2 DB console is accessible by url http://localhost:8080/api/template/h2-console after running application locally. No password required to login

H2 Login

3 tables should be seen there

H2 Default Schema


SonarLint is a key plugin to be installed in your IDE for static code analysis.


FindBug is mandatory part of every microservice to run static code check before pushing code into remote repository. Please note, FindBug reporting is one of mandatory steps in Development workflow. To run it just select "site" maven phase when your code compiled or in conjunction with other maven phases (see bellow)

FindBug Run

Successful result is an empty error list in Findbug report. To check it go to /target/site folder and open findbug.html in any browser

FindBug Report



All endpoints are authenticated using IAM SSO.


  • rGWStmplt-TmpltUser - regular application business users.
  • rGWStmplt-TmpltAdmin - admin users, who are able to use Admin console

Spring Session is used to manage users' sessions. Users sessions are stored in application database.


Application uses Spring security by annotating methods with @RolesAllowed annotation with necessary groups. All API endpoints (except actuator endpoints) are protected.

Getting started

To run application locally, IDEA should be configured with a new application configuration

IDE Run config

To run application locally just use IDEA run/debug controls

IDE Run config

For PCF deploy and run see PCF Deployment topic below


The application can use the following types of environments

Type Configuration Purpose
LOCAL application-local.properties Development team local testing and investigations
DEV-SANDBOX application-dev-sb.properties Development team testing and investigations
DEV application-dev.properties Development team testing and investigations
SIT application-sit.properties System integration testing
UAT application-uat.properties User Acceptance testing
NFT application-nft.properties Non-functional testing
PRD application-prd.properties released production version

All generic application properties located in application.properties.

The examples below show how to configure application run configuration (IDE) with different types of environments



There are three documentation sources which should be added to any microservice

  • Swagger (OpenAPI 3.0) documentation
  • README.md file
  • CHANGELOG.md file


Swagger API documentation library is already integrated into this template microservice and can be accessed using url Swagger UI after running microservice locally. Two controllers should be visible on the Swagger page

FindBug Run

Each endpoint can be tested from the page, providing necessary data.


Testing framework integrated into template projects consist of the following libraries:

  • TestNG
  • Spring Test
  • Mockito

Unit testing

All unit tests should be written with positive and negative scenarios. Examples of unit test already included into this code base and can be reviewed and used.

Integration testing

Integration test framework already configured and example provided. To create a new integration test, new class should be named with the same name as target class with IT suffix. E.g. if target class name is IAMAuthController, integration test name should be IAMAuthControllerIT. Integration test should be run autonomously one by one or in scope of full maven build scenario. Please ensure, integration-test profile is activated, as depicted below

Integration Run