Burger Node App
This is an interactive application that is developed using the following backend/front-end frameworks and libraries -
1. HTML/CSS 2. Bootstrap 3. JQuery 4. AJAX 5. Nodejs 6. Expressjs - web application framework for nodejs 7. Express Handle bars 8. MySQL Database 9. ORM - Object Relational Mapping
This is a burger app where user can make their own burger and add it to list.
There is a form where user can submit their favorite burger.
After submitting the form, the new item is added to database.
App displays two list for user. One available items for user to devour and devoured item that can be deleted by user.
When User devours an item, the item gets updated in the database and not available further for the user.
Devoured item appears on another list where User can delete it from UI and the item is deleted from database as well.
Below is the snapshot of the application -
Below are links to app -