
burger node app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

            Burger Node App

Overview of the application -

  • This is an interactive application that is developed using the following backend/front-end frameworks and libraries -

     1.  HTML/CSS
     2.  Bootstrap 
     3.  JQuery 
     4.  AJAX 
     5.  Nodejs 
     6.  Expressjs - web application framework for nodejs
     7.  Express Handle bars
     8.  MySQL Database
     9.  ORM - Object Relational Mapping    
  • This is a burger app where user can make their own burger and add it to list.

  • There is a form where user can submit their favorite burger.

  • After submitting the form, the new item is added to database.

  • App displays two list for user. One available items for user to devour and devoured item that can be deleted by user.

  • When User devours an item, the item gets updated in the database and not available further for the user.

  • Devoured item appears on another list where User can delete it from UI and the item is deleted from database as well.

  • Below is the snapshot of the application -


Below are links to app -

  • Heroku - click to see deployed application.

  • Github - click for github repository.