
Challenger and defenders

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jquery game

Challenger and defenders

This is a interactive Game of thrones RPG game application that has been developed using HTML,CSS,bootstrap,javascript and jquery library.

Overview of the application -

  • This is a single player Role-playing game.
  • Given choice of four characters,player chooses his character and rest of them becomes his enemies.
  • Player gets to choose his defended one by one until player defeats all available enemies.
  • When player defeats all enemies,player wins the game.
  • Both player and enemies are given initial Health points and attack points.
  • Health points & attack points varies depending upon the chosen character.
  • When player attacks enemy his health points decreases by enemy's attack point and vice versa.
  • Player attack points get incremented by his base attack points for every attack but enemy's counter attack point remains constant throughout the game.

Overview of the script -

  • Once the player clicks 'Start' button, the game starts.
  • Application has used jquery extensively for adding,modifying and removing events
  • JQuery has also been used to add styles and dynamically generate elements.

Link to game : https://saranyamohandas.github.io/unit-4-game/