
Repository for the course Advanced Cognitive Modeling as part of the masters degree in Cognitive Science at Aarhus University

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Advanced Cognitive Modeling - Spring 2022

Repository for the course Advanced Cognitive Modeling as part of the masters degree in Cognitive Science at Aarhus University


The code for the Assignments will be in the folder assignments/. The folder includes the following assignments

Asignment Description Submission
1 Describe and motivate one possible verbal model of how the Matching Pennies Task is solved and provide an algorithmic formalization (in R). W4
2 Analyze the data produced by your study group (or only you if without a study group) in the Matching Pennies Game. Produce a written report of the analyses. W8
3 Apply a simple bayes and a weighted bayes model to a new task: social conformity. W10
4 Apply a reinforcement learning model (Rescorla-Wagner is recommended) to simulated data. Identify the number of trials needed to recover parameters. W12
5 Reflect on our learning process throughout the course After W12

Assignment 1:

See folder assignments/a1. For the text, accompanying the assignment, see description in the google docs mem_against_all.

Assignment 2:

See folder assignments/a2. For the text, accompanying the assignment, see description in the google docs. parameter_recovery

Assignment 3:

See folder assignments/a3. For the text, accompanying the assignment, see description in the google docs. change_feedback

Assignment 4:

See folder assignments/a4. For the text, accompanying the assignment, see description in the google docs. session_diff

Assignment 5:

The reflection is in the google docs.