
Tree Detection and Identification - Robotics final - Group 2

Primary LanguagePython

Robotics Final Project
Tree Detection and Re-Identification

Group #2 Members:
	Linsley, Sara E (sel432)
	Liu, Daren R (drl322)
	Kim, Jaynes (jk3935)

To execute project and obtain matches:
	python matching.py

Images Explanations:
	- treeX.jpg images are pictures of trees in Washington Square Park from different angles, taken by Daren

	Python 2.7.11
	Matplotlib 1.5.1
	OpenCV 2.4.12_2
	NumPy 1.11.0

	OpenCV was installed on Mac OS X 10.11.2 using `brew install opencv`, so results may vary. The newest version of OpenCV is 3.x, but for whatever reason 2.4 is the most current one on Homebrew.