
friends quotes-finder

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project title:

Quotes 📼

Project description🚀:

I have created a website where you can search for phrases said by the characters of the series "Friends". You can search it both by character and by keyword, and you can also insert a new phrase with the form at the bottom of the page

A website will be developed with the following characteristics:

Language: English.

Using HTML, Sass, Javascript, React.

Use of mediaqueries for the adaptation of the application to the different devices, mobile, tablet and desktop.

Using git for project version control.

Publication of the result on the Internet using GitHub Pages.

On the main page, you will see:

  • 🔎 A header: with the title of the page and the quotes finder. You can filter by character and keyword.
  • 📋 Main: with all possible quotes.
  • 💡 Footer: you can see a form to enter new quotes.

Built with 🛠️:

  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • Javascript
  • React


  • VSC
  • GULP
  • NPM

🙋 Author:

Sara Fernández

Getting Started Guide

NOTE: You need to have Node JS installed to work with this Starter Kit.

Steps to follow :

  • Clone this repository
  • Open a terminal in the repository root folder.
  • Install the local dependencies by running the following command in the terminal: npm install
  • Start the project with the command: npm start