
Mayoral Assigment

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Mayoral Frontend Assignment

Run the project:

$ yarn install
$ yarn run dev

1.Tech stack 🛠️

  • Using HTML, Sass, TypeScript, React, Next js.

  • Use of mediaqueries for the adaptation of the application to the different devices, mobile and desktop.

  • Using git for project version control.

2.Requirements and functions

  • Separates into components in an optimal and organised way
  • The view should be as close as possible to the attached photos
  • Implement product search by name
  • Consuming a JSON with product data (local or external JSON)
  • Change the view with the icons indicated in the picture: Desktop from 4 to 3 elements, Mobile from 3 to 2 elements
  • Implement logic and design of a "sort" component (ascending and descending price).
  • Create the appropriate unit tests

2.Components 🧩


  • The application has a total of 6 components, index is the root component. First of all, the Filters component contains a form and this, in turn, contains the two components in charge of filtering, FilterName by name and FilterPrice by ascending or descending price. This last component, I have chosen to make a "select" because I found it more intuitive for the user, as he/she can intuit from the first glance that he/she can sort by price.
  • TshirtsList component is where the filter by name, the sort (ascending or descending price) and the map are made, to paint the list. All these functions have been developed through the "props" passed on from their parent component.
  • The content of the list is developed in a separate component called TshirtItem, where it is passed through the props, the object generated with a map in the previous component.

3.Layout and styles 🎨

  • Responsive design for mobile and desktop (Formatting changes from 1000px onwards) using mediaqueries.
  • SCSS and BEM format for styles.
  • Flex and Grid for adapting lists to different formats.
  • SCSS files divided according to each component.

4.Trade off 💡

  • Use of Typescript and Next js: has been new to me, so I need to practice and study the documentation much better. For now, the types have been used for the properties and functions of my components.

  • Next images: It is necessary to change the img element for the Image component. I haven't had time to do it because I need to know exactly what properties it needs and study its conditions.

  • Unit test: I have applied tests to one of the components but I need to study more about the Jest documentation and test the remaining components.

4.Remarks 🔎

  • Jest.config.js file: I have configured the compilerOptions path, because it was not displaying the tests and I only had to delete a "./" In this same file, (line 11) I have added an empty object because the file could not find "paths".

  • Select type filter: I have chosen to make a "select" because I found it more intuitive for the user, as he/she can intuit from the first glance that he/she can sort by price.

  • Fetch: Although I have obtained the data locally, I have simulated a fetch

export async function getServerSideProps() { const res = await fetch(`http://localhost:3000/data.json`); const data = await res.json(); return { props: { data } }; }

  • Types.ts file: I have created a types file to optimally pass the types to the necessary components.