
Iris anywhere deployment with terraform on AWS

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Deploying GrayMeta Iris Anywhere with Terraform

The following contains instructions/criteria for deploying Iris Anywhere into an AWS environment. Iris Anywhere is comprised of two key components, the Iris Admin Server that manages Users, permissions and Licenses and the Iris Anywhere Autoscaling Group that deploy the instances for usage. Iris Anywhere Autoscaling Group will not properly function without a dedicated Iris Admin Server deployed first.


  • Stored credentials in Secrets Manager prior to deploying.
  • Access to GrayMeta Iris Admin and Iris Anywhere AMI's - Contact support@graymeta.com.
  • Certificates created or imported in AWS Certificate Manager.
  • Terraform 12 is only supported at this time.
  • version - Current version is v0.0.2.

Iris Anywhere Admin Server

Deploys Iris Admin management server. This application provides comprehensive administrative capabilities, API and development support. An Iris Admin Server must be deployed, licensed and configured prior to the deployment of the Autoscaling Groups as there are dependent variables ascertained during the process.

The below example will allow you to deploy your Iris Admin Server. After the deployment is complete navigate to the instance's {Public IPv4 DNS}:8020 to log in to your Iris Admin Server. Once successfully logged in, contact support@graymeta.com to license your product as well as retrieve the necessary variables to deploy your Iris Anywhere Autoscaling Groups.

Example Usage

provider "aws" {
  region  = "us-west-2"
  profile = "my-aws-profile"

module "irisadmin" {
  source = "github.com/graymeta/terraform-aws-irisanywhere//admin?ref=v0.0.4"
  access_cidr     = [""]
  hostname_prefix = "iadm"
  instance_count  = 1
  instance_type   = "t3.xlarge"
  subnet_id       = ["subnet-foo1"]
  key_name        = "my_key"
  ia_secret_arn   = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:secret:1234567913397769129"

Arguement Reference:

  • access_cidr - (Optional) List of network cidr that have access. Default to [""]
  • hostname_prefix - (Required) A unique name.
  • instance_count - (Required) Number of Instances to deploy.
  • instance_type - (Required) The type of the EC2 instance.
  • subnet_id - (Required) A list of subnet IDs to launch resources in.
  • key_name - (Required) The key name to use for the instances.
  • ia_secret_arn - (Required) ARN of secrets for configurating Iris Anywhere.
  • tags - (Optional) A map of the additional tags.
  • volume_type - (Optional) EBS volume type. Default to gp3.
  • volume_size - (Optional) EBS volume size. Default to 60.

Attributes Reference:

In addition to all the arguments above the following attributes are exported:

  • security_group - The Security Group of the Admin instance(s).
  • private_dns - The Private IPv4 DNS of the Admin instance(s).
  • private_ip - The Private IPv4 address of the Admin instance(s).

Iris Anywhere Autoscaling Groups

Deploys Application Load Balancer and Autoscaling group. We recommend that you do not deploy your Autoscaling Groups until your Iris Admin Server has been licensed with GrayMeta (support@graymeta.com).

Example Usage

provider "aws" {
  region  = "us-west-2"
  profile = "my-aws-profile"

module "irisanywhere1" {
  source = "github.com/graymeta/terraform-aws-irisanywhere//asg?ref=v0.0.4"

  access_cidr = [""]

  alb_internal = true

  lb_check_interval      = 30
  lb_unhealthy_threshold = 2

  asg_check_interval = 60

  asg_scalein_cooldown   = 600
  asg_scalein_evaluation = 2
  asg_scalein_threshold  = 6

  asg_scaleout_cooldown   = 600
  asg_scaleout_evaluation = 2
  asg_scaleout_threshold  = 2

  asg_size_desired = 1
  asg_size_max     = 5
  asg_size_min     = 1

  disk_data_iops = 3000
  disk_data_size = 700
  disk_data_type = "io2"
  disk_os_size   = 300
  disk_os_type   = "gp2"

  hostname_prefix = "iris1"
  instance_type   = "c5d.9xlarge"
  key_name        = "my_key"

  ssl_certificate_arn     = "<cert_arn>"
  subnet_id               = ["subnet-foo1", "subnet-foo2"]

  tags                    = {
    "my_tag1" = "my_value1",
    "my_tag2" = "my_value2"

  # Entries for IrisAnywhere
  ia_max_sessions  = "2"
  ia_secret_arn    = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:secret:1234567913397769129"
  ia_domain        = "yourdomain.com"

Argument Reference:

The following arguments are supported:

  • access_cidr - (Optional) List of network cidr that have access. Default to [""]

  • alb_internal - (Optional) sets the application load balancer for Iris Anywhere to internal mode. When set to true this also disables allocating public IP addresses to Iris Anywhere EC2 instances. Default to false

  • asg_check_interval - (Optional) Autoscale check interval. Default to 60 (seconds)

  • asg_scalein_cooldown - (Optional) Scale in cooldown period. Default to 300 (seconds)

  • asg_scalein_evaluation - (Optional) Scale in evaluation periods. Default to 2 (evaluation periods)

  • asg_scalein_threshold - (Optional) Scale in if the number of sessions drop below. Default to 5

  • asg_scaleout_cooldown - (Optional) Scale out cooldown period. Default to 300 (seconds)

  • asg_scaleout_evaluation - (Optional) Scale out evaluation periods. Default to 2 (evaluation periods)

  • asg_scaleout_threshold - (Optional) Scale out if the number of sessions drop below. Default to 5

  • asg_size_desired - (Required) The number of EC2 instances that should be running in the group.

  • asg_size_max - (Required) Maximum size of the Auto Scaling Group.

  • asg_size_min - (Required) Minimum size of the Auto Scaling Group.

  • base_ami - (Optional) The AMI from which to launch the instance. Default to latest released AMI

  • disk_data_iops - (Optional) The amount of provisioned IOPS. This must be set with a volume_type of io1/io2.

  • disk_data_size - (Optional) EBS volume size. Default to 300

  • disk_data_type - (Optional) EBS volume type. Default to io2

  • disk_os_size - (Optional) EBS volume size. Default to 50

  • disk_os_type - (Optional) EBS volume type. Default to gp3

  • hostname_prefix - (Required) A unique name.

  • instance_type - (Required) The type of the EC2 instance.

  • key_name - (Required) The key name to use for the instances.

  • lb_algorithm_type - (Optional) Determines how the load balancer selects targets when routing requests. The value is round_robin or least_outstanding_requests. Default to round_robin

  • lb_check_interval - (Optional) Loadbalancer health check interval. Default to 30 (seconds)

  • lb_unhealthy_threshold - (Optional) Loadbalancer unhealthy threshold. Default to 2 (evaluation periods)

  • ssl_certificate_arn - (Required) The ARN from ACM of the SSL server certificate for Load Balancer.

  • subnet_id - (Required) A list of subnet IDs to launch resources in.

  • tags - (Optional) A map of the additional tags.

  • ia_cert_crt_arn - (Optional) ARN from AWS Secrets. This enables end to end SSL on Iris Anywhere application server. Blank will force non-SSL between LB and Server. Default to blank

  • ia_cert_key_arn - (Optional) ARN from AWS Secrets. This enables end to end SSL on Iris Anywhere application server. Blank will force non-SSL between LB and Server. Default to blank

  • ia_domain - (Required) domain name of SSL wildcard SSL used for end to end SSL, ie "yourdomain.com", or "test.yourdomain.com". Domain must match cert SAN.

  • ia_secret_arn - (Required) ARN of secrets for configurating Iris Anywhere.

  • ia_max_sessions - (Optional) Set max sessions per Iris Anywhere instance before autoscaling.

Attributes Reference:

In addition to all the arguments above the following attributes are exported:

  • alb_dns_name - The DNS name of the load balancer.
  • asg_name - The autoscaling group name
  • nsg_alb_id - Network Security Group for ALB
  • nsg_iris_id - Network Security Group for ASG instances

Optional Additional Resources

Set your own scaling schedule. For example, if you expect more usage during business hours Monday - Friday, you can plan your scaling actions accordingly.

Example: Add a resource block like this to your main.tf.

resource "aws_autoscaling_schedule" "iris1_schedule_start" {
  scheduled_action_name  = "iris1-schedule-start"
  recurrence             = "0 16 * * MON-FRI"
  desired_capacity       = 2
  max_size               = 10
  min_size               = 2
  autoscaling_group_name = module.iris1.asg_name

resource "aws_autoscaling_schedule" "iris_anywhere_9xl_schedule_end" {
  scheduled_action_name  = "iris1-schedule-end"
  recurrence             = "0 6 * * MON-FRI"
  desired_capacity       = 0
  max_size               = 10
  min_size               = 0
  autoscaling_group_name = module.iris1.asg_name

recurrence - (Optional) The time when recurring future actions will start. Start time is specified by the user following the Unix cron syntax format. Based on UTC/GMT.

desired_capacity, max_size, min_size - (Optional) Default 0. Set to -1 if you don't want to change the value at the scheduled time.

Creating Secrets for Iris Anywhere

Before you can deploy Iris Admin and Iris Anywhere (ASG), you will need to create a secret in AWS Secrets Manager with the following keys/values:

Required by Iris Admin server (these inputs are specified by you)

  • Key : Value
  • admin_db_id : userid for Iris Admin database
  • admin_db_pw : password for Iris Admin database
  • admin_console_id : userid of Iris Admin console
  • admin_console_pw : password for Iris Admin console

Required by Iris Anywhere ASG:

  • Key : Value
  • admin_customer_id : provided by GrayMeta licensing
  • admin_server : DNS of Iris Admin server
  • iris_s3_bucketname : Name of S3 bucket you would like to attach to Iris Anywhere
  • iris_s3_access_key : IAM Access Key with permission to access bucket
  • iris_s3_secret_key : IAM Secret key associated with access key
  • iris_s3_lic_code : S3 connector license code - provided by GrayMeta during licensing
  • iris_s3_lic_id : S3 connector license id - provided by GrayMeta during licensing
  • iris_serviceacct : account used to run Iris Anywhere

Secrets required for End to End SSL (optional). Create two seperate secret credentials:

  • Certificate in X509 DER format in plain text.
  • Certificate Private Key in plain text.

Creating DNS for the Iris ASG load balancer

Create a DNS record for your Iris Anywhere implementation. A CNAME pointing to the load balancer.